Long sleeves and long trousers are required for most activities.
Nightline is one of our most popular activities however the course may become wet and muddy at certain times of year and students may require a change of clothes. Under no circumstances is water to be intentionally added to the course or the students.
Comprising of a purpose built campfire area our Instructors will lead the group in songs and games. it is possible you will share the Campfire with other groups of similar age groups. Warm clothing is advised!
Originally developed for the military to simulate parachute landings, this type of activity gives a great experience of freefall in a controlled and safe environment. Participants make their way to the top of our 10 metre platform and secure in a helmet and harness, they step off the edge, descending in a matter of seconds back to earth. A huge adrenaline rush, the closer the student gets to the ground the slower they move, to enable them to step onto the ground at the end of the ride. A real personal challenge and with classmate support for the jumper, this is one of our most exhilarating high adrenaline adventure activities.
We have a selection of popular DVDs and Blu-Rays on site, suitable for different age groups.
Students will need to make up your own bed on arrival There may be other schools in our buildings so BEST behaviour at all times. Check out of the rooms on the last day is 9:30, so even though you have activities on the day you need to make sure that you have left the room as you have found it by that time. Your activity groups may or may not be different to the groups that you are sharing a room with. You need to bring towels with you - do not forget! Money (no more that £10) needs to be in school by Friday 19 th June - if it is not here by this date you will not be able to bring it. Medicines need to be in on Monday and given to Mrs Flint in a clearly marked package before departure. No mobile phones will be allowed on the trip – there will be a school mobile for you to ring and we will ask for volunteers to help with our phone tree