Elements of a Good Answer To write a good article, you will need more than one idea or reason. Make sure you have enough to say before you start writing. Organise your ideas, make a plan. Write an effective opening and closing paragraph.
Plan Introduction - Paragraph 1 Write a paragraph that will interest the reader in your topic. Try to end the paragraph in a way which makes the reader want to continue reading. Give your opinion or state the question. Body – Paragraphs 2-3 Build on the interest you have raised in the first paragraph. State several reasons/suggestions with examples Conclusion – Paragraph 4 Refer back to your opening (but don’t repeat it) Restate your opinion in the summary. Finish the article in an interesting way. This could be humorous or thought- provoking.
Organise your paragraphs A well-organised paragraph has: A topic sentence followed by Details or facts Explanations or examples. Remember to structure paragraphs carefully to avoid repeating yourself.
Catchy opening to engage the reader Ask a question to make the reader think. Use a joke or saying. Refer to a well-known story or film. Give a little-know fact or something the reader may not already know. Say something funny or unexpected.
Giving personal opinions I think For me / Personally, As far as I’m concerned, In my opinion,
Giving examples + Conversational expressions For example/for instance There should/could Such as/like One solution/idea…Another solution /idea You can imagine… If you ask me… Another thing is that…
Phrases you can use Addressing the reader directly Have you ever …? What do you think about…? Describing a personal experience It happened to me when… This is what happened when… The occasion I have in mind… I’ll never forget the time….
Titles It is a good idea to put a title on your article. All articles in magazines have titles – that are written to catch the reader’s attention or to let the reader know what the article is about. Which of the following articles would you like to read? Can you predict the subject? 1. Running Away From It All. 2. My Opinion About Travelling. 3. The Best Hobby. 4. No Phone? No Problem!