Открытый урок по теме: «Hobbies» Подготовила: Учитель английского языка МБОУ Лицей №8 г.Кисловодска Лозникова Наталья Павловна.


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Presentation transcript:

Открытый урок по теме: «Hobbies» Подготовила: Учитель английского языка МБОУ Лицей №8 г.Кисловодска Лозникова Наталья Павловна

Открытый урок по теме: «Hobbies» Цели урока: Практическая - совершенствование навыков монологической диалогической речи по теме: «Hobbies». Воспитательная - формирование творческого мышления через коммуникацию, общение. Развивающая - развитие коммуникационных умений учащихся по описанию различных увлечений. Ход урока. 1.Организационный момент. The theme of our lesson is «Hobbies». The aim of our lesson is perfecting of skills of monological speech in communication on the theme «Hobbies». Look at the blackboard. You can see some sayings on it. «Hobbies differ like tastes». «Active life and interesting hobbies make you feel happy». 2.Повторение лексического материала по теме «Hobbies». Речевая разминка. Now we practice today`s vocabulary. Repeat the worlds after me. (ученики за учителем повторяют слова по теме с экрана) To be fond of, to be proud of, to collect, collector, collection, stamp, coin, thematic, badge, special, specialize, specialist, quarter, seat, stage, to rise (rose, risen), to take part in smth, to decide, a ticket for, in the stalls, a feature film, a documentary film, besides. 3. Контроль знаний слов по теме: «Hobbies». Let`s play a word-game. Come to the front one at a time and write the spelling of vocabulary of words. (Ученики выходят к доске по одному в быстром темпе и пишут слова под диктовку учителя)

Species hobby.

Hobbies - that's what people like to do in your free time, and the fullness of their life a certain way. Hobbies can be completely different. Stamp collecting, hobbies certain sports, love of art and poetry, an interest in music, travel, foreign languages.

Hobby is a good way to deal with stress, moreover, hobby classes often help develop horizons. The main purpose of a hobby - Helping to develop. Hobbies may eventually grow into a major activity that brings money.

Catching things you love, the person primarily satisfies a crucial from the point of view, peace of mind, the need for self- realization, of course, it provides spiritual growth and to give his life a lot more bright colors and positive emotions.

Not all at once find favorite hobby, someone for years trying to find their true thing, despair, and continues to search again. The main thing in this situation, try to remember that you have the abilities and sooner or later, you're sure to find something that suits you and it will change your life forever.

Учитель спрашивает: What is hobbies. Ученики отвечают. Затем учитель просит учащихся задать вопросы друг другу. Ask at each other about your hobbies. What is your hobby? Have you got a hobby? My hobby is … 5.Развитие навыков монологической речи. Now we`ll listen to your stories about your hobbies. (Несколько учеников рассказывают о своих хобби: Reading sports, collecting stamps, watching cartoons) 6.Физкультминутка. Now let`s have a short rest. Stand up, hands up. Hands down, hands on the hips, turn right, turn left, sit down please.

7. Тренировка употреблении грамматических структур: much, many, little, a little, few, a few, a lot of. Today we’ll remember the words: much, many …- and the using of them in our speech. (Ученики рассказывают об употреблении этих слов) Choose the right word. (Ученики выбирают нужные слова в предложениях с экрана) Choose the right word. 1) There are (much, many) apples on the table. 2) I have (a lot of, much) friends. 3) Has he got (a lot of, many) pencils? 4) There is not (much, many) milk in the glass. 5) They bought (a little, a few) sweets yesterday. 6) I have (много) exercises to write. 7) There are not (много) pens on the table. 8) We have got (мало) salt. 9) He has (немного) time to play with her. 10) There are (немного) books in his bag.

8.Работа с материалами учебника. Open your books on page…ex… 9.Разгадывание слов в кроссворде. Now a crossword. Enjoy English. The subject is «Hobby» Completed it please. 10. Подведение итогов урока You’ve done so much today. Thank you for your good work. Учитель оценивает работу учеников.

10. Подведение итогов урока You’ve done so much today. Thank you for your good work. Учитель оценивает работу учеников.