IES 1 March 29 th 2012
Today Unit 3: View Points Summary Assignment 3
View points What are some ways to express an opinion? i.e., “I think…” I believe… I suggest… In my opinion… I suppose… I want to say… I have an idea…
View points What are some ways to ask about an opinion? What do you think? What’s your opinion? How do you feel about that? *
Expressing opinion In my opinion, this issue involves everyone in this room. The way I see it, drinking soju for breakfast is a great way to start your day. I strongly believe that all students should receive free university education. If you ask me, K-pop music is boring. I’m pretty sure that smoking is a fun hobby. WHAT?!
Expressing opinion (with REASONS) The way I see it, drinking soju for breakfast is a great way to start your day. To start with, soju gives you courage that will help you do a great job all day. Furthermore, it makes you more friendly because you don’t feel as nervous.
Disagreeing In my opinion, this issue involves everyone in this room. I disagree. …AND?!
Disagreeing In my opinion, this issue involves everyone in this room. I disagree. If you ask me, this issue is only important to the IB students in the room because IR students take different classes.
Disagreeing (with REASONS) The way I see it, drinking soju for breakfast is a great way to start your day. I don’t think so. To start with, soju is an alcohol, and alcohol doesn’t help you start the day, it isn’t healthy. Furthermore, if you drink too much in the morning, you will might be sleepy in class.
Disagreeing (with REASONS) In my opinion, cheating on a test can help you get better grades and achieve success. Frankly, I doubt if that’s true. Considering that cheating can get you kicked out of school, it is dangerous. Also, if you cheat off the wrong person, you might negatively affect your grades.
Disagreeing (with REASONS) I honestly feel that, KAC students don’t have enough homework and need to work harder. We don’t think so. To start with, we spend a lot of time on assignments. Furthermore, we cannot enjoy our free time. Finally, the professors don’t consider our levels. Many homeworks (uncountable) a lot of homework (too much homework) Many assignments (countable)
Disagreeing (with REASONS) If you ask me, K-pop music is boring. That’s not true. First, k-pop music is catchy. Second, k- pop has many sub-genres which provide variety.___ Finally the songs are trendy.
Disagreeing (with REASONS) I strongly believe that all students should receive free university education. I’m afraid I don’t agree because it puts too much economic burden on the government. Additionally, there is a risk that the quality of education may be low. Lastly, people have to pay more tax to support this.
Summary Assignment Go to the “Homework” section of the class website. Read the opinion article: (it’s a short article!!) employers-asking-for-passwords-is-just-wrong employers-asking-for-passwords-is-just-wrong Follow the instructions on the website. - This will involve giving your opinion more than making a summary. Deadline: April 5 th (Thursday)