AT Control Forum First Meeting
Introduction The AT Controls FORUM : Is responsible for coordination of the overall strategy for controls activities in the AT Department. It provides a forum for discussion of controls issues between equipment groups and the AB Control group. It is the alter ego of the AB Control Coordination COmmitee (CO 3 ) It reports regularly to the MARIC and to AB-CO Group Leader. It can make recommendations for decision by the MARIC and AB-CO GL
SCOPE The scope of responsibility includes : Control activities within the AT Department for the LHC, the injectors and the test facilities. Note : A particular attention should be given initially to the Hardware Commissioning Issues.
Covered Topics Identify current and future activities in the AT Department which will involve significant controls effort in AB-CO. Identify resource both in AT groups & AB-CO for new projects including controls. PS renovation, SM18 evolution Coordinate the controls part of these activities to maximize effectiveness and avoid conflicts due to deployment of new hardware, software or tools. Conflict hardware commissioning /usual shutdown activities Promote the control solutions developed by AB-CO for the AT activities to avoid the multiplication of concurrent solutions and development efforts. LSA, FESA, UNICOS, LabVIEW... PLC, VME, Industrial PC,... Identify new control requirements relatives to specific AT activities. Identify the major priorities in the services requested from the CO group, and verify that CO can deliver what is required.
Meetings & Membership Chairman : Philippe Gayet AB-CO-IS Co- Chairman : Louis Walckiers AT-MTM Secretary : Hubert Reymond AB-CO-MA Representatives from each of the following groups of the AT Department (from the controls section when possible): ACR, Juan Casas ECR, Marco Pezzetti MCS, Remo Maccaferri MEL, Reiner Denz MTM, Louis Walckiers VAC, Isabelle Laugier Representatives of the AB-CO group to cover the different control technologies involved according to the topic covered by the meeting Database Management, Front End, Industrial Systems, Measurements & Analysis, Controls Infrastructure, Machine Interlocks, Applications, Hardware & Timing. Meetings One meeting per month in 2007 this frequency will be reviewed after six month.
First Actions Review of existing activities. Evaluate the involved resource both in AB-CO and AT Review the present responsibility sharing and propose a rational evolution Establish the workload planning and resource evolution for the next 2 years (Early LHC Commissioning) Estimate the hardware budget under CO responsibility Upcoming projects Establish a list group by group Validate the technological choice and responsibility sharing Establish a planning and estimate the required resource and hardware budget
Known Existing & Coming activities MEL Quench protection system FESA application in Gateway (IS, FE) FIP installation (FE) PVSS support, (IS) hardware commissioning (IS, AP) DB support (DM) Logging (DM) Post mortem (MA) Interconnection to machine interlock (MI) MTM Bloc 4 PLC support (IS) PCVUE support (IS) Renovation (PLC UNICOS & PVSS) Fast acquisition system (MA) Test bench PLC support (IS) PCVUE support (IS) DB support (DM) Fast acquisition (MA) New sm18 magnet rescue Factory Fast acquisition (MA) dB storage (DM) Renovation of magnet system in PS complex MCS test facilities
Known Existing & Coming Projects ACR Refrigerator controls PLC UNICOS, (IS) PVSS (IS) sector controls PLC UNICOS, (IS) (ACR-IN) PVSS (IS) Fesa application in Gateway (IS, FE)FIP, DB support (DM) Logging (DM) New renovation ABB SM18 Cryogenics for NEW SM18 ECR Support Refrigerator and proximity cryogenics PLC UNICOS, (IS) PVSS (IS) Logging (DM) New project NA 48 Control Revamping using UNICOS (IS) VAC PLC support (IS) PVSS (IS) Vacuum Control for PS (FE) Logging (DM)
Brief Overview of AB CO