Southside High School Fort Smith, AR 2015-2016 MRS. SMITH’S SOPHOMORE & SENIOR ENGLISH.


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Presentation transcript:

Southside High School Fort Smith, AR MRS. SMITH’S SOPHOMORE & SENIOR ENGLISH

Find your assigned seat on the chart provided. Please get an index card from the front table and complete a Student FYI Card. Front of Card: Last Name, First Class Period: Who you want me to contact about your progress And how best to reach them (phone/ ) List After-school Activities/Work Back of Card: List Language(s) spoken at home Internet at Home? Devices? Goals: 1) For this class 2) For High School 3) 5 Years From Now

All about Mrs. Smith Mrs. Kind, Happy, Organized Two Sons Colorado, Starbucks, Netflix Snakes, Rollercoasters, Heights Greece, Eric Clapton, a Moose Anything by F. Scott Fitzgerald Princeton, New Jersey Smith

Mrs. Smith’s Mind Map ID Card

Classroom Rules As adopted by all Southside High School faculty ❑ Be in your assigned place ready to work when the bell rings ❑ Bring materials and completed work to class each day ❑ Keep hands, feet, books and other objects to yourself ❑ Do not swear, tease, use rude gestures, or use “put downs” ❑ Follow the teacher’s directions

Mrs. Smith’s Classroom Rules To ensure a safe learning environment, students will be… ❑ Respectful ❑ Responsible Students will offer input on ways to demonstrate the rules

Rule #1Be Respectful Provide an example of how students could demonstrate this rule (remember to consider the objective: does it ensure a safe learning environment?)

Rule #2Be Responsible Provide an example of how students could demonstrate this rule (remember to consider the objective: does it ensure a safe learning environment?)

Following Mrs. Smith’s Classroom Rules will result in: A safe learning environment Happy Students A Stress-free Classroom A Pleasant Atmosphere Learning!

Not Following Mrs. Smith’s Classroom Rules will Result in: 1 st Offense Verbal Warning 2nd Offense Student Responsibility Card followed by an Action Plan 3rd Offense Office Referral

Student Responsibility Card Name Date Class/period: / Needs to improve Citizenship: Students mark all that apply. ___ raise hand to speak ___ get to class on time ___ don't disrupt others ___ other Needs to improve Academics: Students mark all that apply. ___ Complete homework ___ more effort needed in class ___ use class time wisely ___ other Describe Infraction: This must be a complete sentence and BE SPECIFIC. Ex. I didn't do worksheet page 56 because I left it in my locker. I was told two times to get busy. I forgot my pencil twice this week. Student signature: Teacher signature: Parent/guardian signature(s): (Required only if indicated by teacher!) Additional comments: May be written on back

Classroom Rule Infraction When placed on your desk, complete the Student Responsibility Card Sign it Keep it until the end of class and then give it to the teacher – at this time, an Action Plan will be discussed

Severe Infractions Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office with a referral

Southside Student Handbook Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the Southside High School Student Handbook. Follow all technology rules and procedures. Student Handbook

Classroom Materials: Composition Notebook 3-ring binder with folders College-ruled notebook paper Pencils, pens and highlighters Glue stick Other helpful materials include scissors, post-it notes, and colored pencils

Classroom Procedures: Entering the classroom Tardy policy Restroom / Hall Passes Sign-out Sheet Getting your attention Turning in assignments Make-up Work for excused absences Finishing your work early Classroom discussions Moving around the classroom Class dismissal

Entering the Classroom Please enter quietly, ready to work Have a seat at your assigned place Take out your materials Begin bell work assignment You will have approximately 3-5 minutes to complete the bell work assignment – the assignment will always be posted on the front board Daily Bell Work completed in your composition notebook will be graded monthly – please keep up with your bell work, even if you are absent!

Tardy Policy Enter quietly and take your seat If Excused: Place excuse on teacher’s desk Repeat Unexcused Tardies: Students will complete a Student Responsibility Card

Getting Your Attention I will: Stand in front of the class Signal with my hand for silence Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking

Paper Heading Follow MLA Format In top left corner, write/type the following: Your full name (first and last) Mrs. Smith Class Period Date PLEASE NOTE: No name, no credit! CLAIM YOUR WORK!

After an Excused Absence Check the “Make-up Binder” to see what you missed Retrieve any handouts and complete You will have one school day for each day that is missed to return assignments No make-up work will be provided for unexcused absences If you have on-line access, you may also check the class website for postings at

Student Responsibility Card For students who do NOT have assigned homework Fill it out Sign and date it Turn it in with the homework papers in the appropriate bin Late homework is not accepted!

What do I do when I finish early? Work on unfinished English assignments Organize your Writer’s Notebook Read your independent reading book With permission – you may work on approved websites on your assigned Chromebook, or check your grades

Classroom Discussions PLEASE participate with the class —no side conversations. I want to hear what you have to say, but your must raise your hand and be acknowledged by the teacher before you speak. Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later. Use the “Talking Ball” appropriately

Turning in Assignments When directed, turn in assignments into the appropriate bin – labeled by Period Be sure your name and class period are on your paper! No name, no credit! Late assignments are not accepted! Graded work will be available for distribution in the appropriate bins and may be stored in your class period’s file cabinet.

Moving Around the Classroom Please don’t get up from your seat unless it is an emergency (This includes getting up to sharpen your pencil) For bathroom visits that cannot wait until the end of class, you must sign-out and note the time All students must sign-out to leave the room – sign-out clipboard by the front door!

Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the bell Do not start packing up prior to the bell Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: “Have a great day!”

Special Procedures (used on an as-needed basis) Library/Media Center Special Guests Progress Reports Small Group Activities Drills Intercom Announcements Assemblies Substitute Teacher

Remember: I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too! Although grades are important, making a learning gain is what matters. Avoid the urge to compare your grades to others; strive to better yourself. We are going to have an awesome year!an awesome year ~ Mrs. Smith

Biopoem – Due Wed., Aug st line: your first name 2 nd line: 3 words that describe you 3 rd line: 3 things you like 4 th line: 3 things you do not like 5 th line: 3 fears you have 6 th line: 3 things you would like to see 7 th line: your favorite book or author 8 th line: your hometown 9 th line: your last name

Mind Map ID – Due Wed., Aug. 19 Create a Mind Map ID using the folder provided Be creative and illustrate your hobbies, interests and things that represent who you are Have at least 8 visual representations – your name can count as one, but make it colorful and creative! Check out these creative examples!creative examples! Prepare a few lines to share in a “classroom whip”