CEVL module working files Contains one of each: Procedure Title slide Order of Procedure slide Preparation Overview slide Preparation Review slides Preparation Checklist slide Component & Steps Title slide Component Overview slide Component # Intro slide Component Objectives slide Procedure slide Component Summary slide Surgical Readiness Link slide Instrument Review slide O.R. Teamwork Guide slide Suture Preferences slide
Use these slides as templates. Replace the text and images with your own material. Duplicate slides as is necessary. If you have any questions or would like to publish your content on the CEVL website, please contact the CEVL team by ing Instructions
Enter Procedure Title Here First name, Last name, MD Institution name Date Place image of procedure here Enter Procedure Title Here
COMPONENTSSTEPSOPERATING ROOM 1. Prep OR field (Example) Drape/Attach: - Bovie, Suction, Light handles Bovie 2. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 3. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 4. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 5. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 6. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 7. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 8. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 9. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 10. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 11. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument 12. Component Steps, steps, steps Primary instrument PREPARATIONS For PatientFor SurgeonFor Room Obtain consent Don’t forget the TIMEOUT! Check Bovie settings Prep and drape Scrub surgical site Don your loupes Pull your gloves from cabinet Scrub your hands Confirm how to exchange knife Check table and back table Mayo stand for all appropriate instruments Position overhead lights Review names of OR personnel Order of Procedure
PREPARATIONS For PatientFor SurgeonFor Room Obtain Consent Don’t forget the TIMEOUT! Patient positioned correctly Check Bovie settings and placement Make sure sidebars are clear of bedding so robot arm can be set up Scrub surgical site thoroughly Prep surgical site Drape site Don your loupes Pull your gloves from cabinet Scrub your hands Confirm how to exchange knife Check table, back table & Mayo stand for all appropriate instruments Position overhead lights Review names of OR personnel Preparations Overview
Preparations for [WHOM OR WHAT] At the end of this component you should recognize that, in the operating room, you will be required to: Requirement Preparations for _______
Requirement Preparation checklist Checklist for [WHOM OR WHAT]
Procedure Name Components & Steps Component & Steps
COMPONENTSSTEPS 1. Mark incision site (Example) 1. ID bony landmarks: ASIS & pubic tubercle. 2. Mark 1/3 distance up from pubic tubercle. 3. Incision is commonly about 1 inch 2. Component 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 3. Component 1. Step 2. Step 4. Component 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 5. Component 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 6. Component 1. Step 2. Step Components Overview
Component #: Name of component Component # 1: Component Name
Objectives At the end of this component you should recognize that you will be required to: Insert Objectives Here Objectives Component #1:
Step Name Step 1: Step Name 1.Identify landmarks 2.Connect the 2 points 3.Mark incision 1/3 distance 4.Incision is about 1 inch in length Mark the site of the incision about 1/3 of the way up between the pubic tubercle and anterior superior iliac spine. Step #1:
Summary After studying this component you should recognize that, in the operating room, you should be prepared to: Identify bony landmarks Connect the 2 landmark points Make incision 1/3 of the way up between bony landmarks Incision is about 1 inch in length. Summary Component #1: >
Surgical Readiness Add hyperlink for online exam. Surgical Readiness
Instrument Review Insert appropriate image content. Instrument Review
Operating Room Teamwork Guide OR Teamwork Guide - Name of Procedure COMPONENTSSTEPSOR SET-UP 1. Mark incision site (Example) 1. ID bony landmarks: ASIS & pubic tubercle. 2. Mark 1/3 distance up from pubic tubercle. 3. Incision is commonly about 1 inch Marking pen 2. Component 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step Items 3. Component 1. Step 2. Step Items 4. Component 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step Items 5. Component 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step Items 6. Component 1. Step 2. Step Items
Suture Preferences SUTURE PREFERENCES NameExplanationLink 4-0 Chromic or VicrylFor sewing fasciaComponent 9, Step 3 Suture Preferences