The question Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 as the “Era of Good Feelings” Evaluate the accuracy of this label.
1.Read the question or prompt carefully: Underline the main points that the question is asking of you so you know, what you’re writing answer to. 2. Brainstorm on paper everything that comes to mind regarding the topic at hand. What do you know about the topic? Put this down on paper to get your brain in gear for writing the essay. 3. Organize your thesis, develop three main points (if not already provided), and put your brainstormed information in a chart format for your three body paragraphs. 4. Write your introductory paragraph. Your introduction is essentially your thesis… nothing more. No flowery set up, no meaningless elaboration. Just your THESIS!
Thesis Statement This is the most important part of your essay. The Thesis is the point you’re trying to prove in ever paragraph of the essay. It is your argument that you build your essay around, or essentially the answer to the question. Make sure your thesis is clear, and underline it. Also make sure you reference it in every paragraph.
1.E stablish TIME & PLACE. 2.C reate a clear, THESIS STATEMENT. [underline or highlight it!] 3.A llude to the SUB-TOPICS or categories you will discuss to support your thesis statement 4.F ocus on the question at hand—do NOT begin with a “flowery” sentence! The Introductory Paragraph
Example of intro The period after the war of 1812 to 1824 is referred to as the Era of Good Feelings. This is inaccurate label for the era due: economic hardship, a lack political choice, and geographic disputes. During the Era of Good Feelings the nation did expand rapidly, but poor banking practices caused the nations economy to falter, this was partly due to the fact that the Republicans were only political choice at the time. The issue of slavery and border disputes also caused great nation in the country proving it was not an Era of Good Feelings.
Warm-up Get out your Intro and chapter 10 guided notes. Make sure you’re seated.
Remember Before you write your essay you should complete the beginning steps and have plan that sets up your thesis and your three body paragraphs.
1.I dentify your sub-topic or category in the first sentence. 2.I nformation with significant expalantion 3.A nalysis (relate your fact to the thesis) 4.E vidence 2 with significance/explanation 5.5. Analysis (relate to thesis) Your body paragraphs should be 8-12 sentences. With two to three points with evidance that relate to your thesis. The body Paragraphs
It would be simple to look at the quick growth of America after the war of 1812 and assume that is why the time period is known as the Era of Good Feelings, in reality this growth masked underlying financial issues in the nation. The Republican party pushed for Henry Clay’s concept of the American System which would have kept America from relying on foreign trade. The American system would allow entrepreneurs to grow their business as their sales were built up by protective tariffs. The country was able to grow but many of the entrepreneurs both, business men and farmers built their business on bank loans. The Republicans pushed this system that backed industry though it neglected interests of the south, which challenges the concept of Era of Good Feelings. At the end of the Madison Presidency the second national bank was created which gave the government more control over the bank. This lead to the creation of commerce banks which provided credits and loans for the emerging small business under the American system. Due to a lack of regulation though the banks gave out too much money in loans, and the entrepreneurs were also uniformed about paying off the interest on their credit. This lead to banks repossessing numerous farms and business to try and cover the loans. This lead to the Panic of 1819 which caused a major economic recession. The nation was able to grow quickly during the Era of good Feeling, but due to this growth being built on faulty bank loans the growth quickly collapsed proving the label to be untrue.