SFA Monday
Take out old Vocabulary check Record your Comprehension and Vocabulary score. File your test and old vocabulary check and read and response Write names on new recording sheet Set a goal for this weeks comprehension
Vocabulary Can you pronounce it Do know the definition Can you use it in a sentence
Title: Adelina’s Whales Reading Goal: Drawing Conclusions Team Cooperation Goal: Help and encourage others Genre : Photo essay Author: Richard Sobl
My sister lives in California and often wakes up at night because of the rumbling sounds of thunder. rumbling: thundering
I got to pet a baby elephant at the zoo and felt the tough and wrinkled texture of its leathery skin. leathery: tough
Whenever Martha looks over at Tom, Tom glances at Martha. glances:looks
Mother is preparing the food for tonight’s feast. preparing:Getting ready
I held my breath for almost a minute and then surfaced in the pool. surfaced: Came to the top
The seagulls were gliding along over the boardwalk. gliding:Moving smoothly
Reading Goal: Drawing Conclusions Imagine that you are walking on sand. It is very, very hot. You see a cactus, and no water in sight. Where are you? How did you figure that out?
Drawing conclusions is: Looking at the clues to figure out what is happening in the story.
Reading Goal: Drawing conclusions What clues can you give to show that someone is happy? What clues can you give to show that someone is mad? What clues can you give to show that someone is smart?
Pages TE p. 455 Pages 33-43
Let’s predict Page 296 Photo essay: Uses words and pictures to tell a story and to give the reader information.
Team Talk Let’s preview the questions on page 115 of your treasure hunt.
Partner Read 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you pages Partner Read p. A:298-B:299 Restate page B:298 and A:299 Read Silently: Page Discuss with team words you clarified Find vocabulary words
Team Discussion Pass out Team Discussion Cards Discuss answers to team talk questions Write answers to question 1 and 3
Class Discussion What are some of the words you clarified? Answer questions 1-4
Adventures in Writing 15 min Treasure hunt page 115 Discuss with your table first.
Vocabulary Practice Treasure Hunt Page 73
Fluency 5 min Pg 72-74, paragraphs 1-6