The United States Vs. Mexico Facebook Usage Nathaniel Rentz PERS 2730 Mr. Wing Lee
Introduction In today’s world. People have friends all over the world. Although we keep in touch with them all of the time, you wonder how that could be done without being physically there. This is easily achieved through the use of social networks. Facebook and Twitter are two of the bigger social networks that most people use to contact friends.
United States In a rank of 50, The United States ranked first in the amount of active Facebook users. The United States has about 158,848,960 active monthly users The United States led by a large margin between the second highest amount of Facebook users, Brazil, with over 80 million more users.
Mexico In the same rank of 50, Mexico ranked fifth in the number of active Facebook users. Mexico has 42,384,540 Facebook users. The United States has over 100 Million more Facebook users then Mexico due to the technological advances and much easier access to technology.
Specifics The United StatesMexico Of the 158,848,960 Facebook users, over half (86.4 million) are female users The largest age group of users are from age with 24% of the users, whereas users from age are the smallest group with 2.3%. Of the 42,384,540 Facebook users, a little over half (21.1 million) are male users. The largest group of users are from age with 34.2% of the users, where as users from age are the smallest group with 1.1%
Conclusion It is proven by statistics that the United Stated uses Facebook much more than Mexico. Although an interesting fact is the difference in age and gender in users. In Mexico, males and teenagers use Facebook more, whereas in the United States, females an young adults use Facebook more.
Georgia Vs. Nebraska Facebook Usage
GeorgiaNebraska In the state of Georgia there are 9,932,505 people. Of that number people about 4,841,900 people are Facebook user. In the sate of Nebraska there are 1,815,500 people. Of that number of people, about 792,800 people are Facebook users
Conclusion In coclusion, due to the large population difference between the two states, over 9 million users, Georgia has many more Facebook users than Nebraska leading to the undeniable fact that Georgia uses Facebook much more than Nebraska.
Works Cited states.htm states.htm