HAPL Modeling Ion and Heat Transport Qiyang Hu, Nasr Ghoniem, Shahram Sharafat, Mike Anderson Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering University of California, Los Angeles May 15 th, 2006
Outline HEROs: Helium Diffusion Model revisited Results updated Future schedule Analytical approach: temperature profile Green ’ s function formulation Results comparison Plans for next step
HEROs: Helium Diffusion Analytical approach: temperature profile
serious Previous HEROs code has serious numerical instability problem: In most cases: Time to be simulated < 100 sec Running Time> 6 hours Time step > 2000 steps Temperature range< 2000 K
HEROs model is completely revisited Still, spatial & kinetic: Simplify the equation Ignore some cluster effects: (e.g. vacancy clusters, interstitial clusters etc.) 18 variables/equations 13 Ignore bubble coalescence Start from spatial-independent case
HEROs numerical scheme: … variable bin sizeW front W back Implantation profile Temperature profile Within a bin, each C (i) is in an average sense
We want to use our new HEROs code to model different conditions. Helium ImplantationDamage We re-simulated UWM ’ s “ steady ” implantation case constant temperature
Experiments ( Cipiti & Kulcinski, 2004 ) show: 1 m 1160 °C 2.6x10 16 He/cm 2 -s 2.5 min. 990 °C 8.8x10 15 He/cm 2 -s 7.5 min. 1 m 730 °C 2.2x10 15 He/cm 2 -s 30 min. 40 KeV He On W 510 18 ion/cm 2 Temperature Pore Size Pore Density
stable New HEROs code is stable and gives the correct information about pore sizes:
So does the pore density …
HEROs also gives the spatial distribution information (average sense): 40 KeV; Temperature=1160 o C; Bin Number=20; Total width=10m
Helium retention: Most of He are in grain boundary
largely Capabilities of new HEROs code are largely improved HEROs Total time to be simulated Running time Required time steps Temperature range Previous <100 sec >6 hrs>2000 steps<2000 K Current>10 6 sec<5 mins< 100 steps<3500 K
Planning on HEROs: Implement “ pulsed ” cases: UWM UNC IFE Add bubble coalescence Exceed the 0-order (average) description Include 1 st -order size distribution
HEROs: Helium Diffusion Analytical approach: temperature profile
We are doing 1-D heat diffusion: Well-known equation: Adiabatic boundary condition: If material properties are constant:
Numerical approximations: Discrete time steps: Volumetric heating Surface heat
Good agreement is achieved: (Blanchard 2005)
Planning: Real cases of heating: Volumetric heating IFE condition Couple temperature into HEROs Same “ kinetic-equation ” structure 13 variables/equation 14