AGENDA Working Day – Section II: Action Plan Recap Parts A & B Part C: Professional Development Part D: Parent/Community Part E. Technology Deployment Part F: Monitoring Process
TIP TIMELINE Area 3 LTC Voluntary Pre-Review -- January- February, 2011 Suggest submitting by Feb. 24 Submit TIP Plans to ISBE – February28, 2011 ISBE Approval by June 30, 2011
SAMPLE 2 All students will move from 85% in reading and 79% in math to 92.5% in 2012, 92.5% in 2013 and 100% in 2014, or make Safe Harbor, as measured by ISATs and PSAEs with the support of technology. The Students with Disabilities subgroup will move from 62.3% in reading and 49.5% in math to 92.5% in 2012, 92.5% in 2013 and 100% in 2014, or make Safe Harbor, as measured by ISATs and PSAEs with the support of technology.
ACTION PLAN - GOAL Transfer the goal from Section I, Part E. The goal will be the foundation for strategies and activities for 4 key areas: Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Parent/Community Involvement Technology Deployment Timeline – 3 years ( ) Budget – Be sure to include E-rate where applicable
STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES DEFINED Strategies - general, broad statements that set a course of action and have a technology focus Maximum 3 strategies per phase Activities - support strategies and include specific step-by-step actions, start and end date, and budget.
ACTION PLAN: CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Section 2: Part B – Use conclusions from District Report Card Data, Attributes and Challenges Data, and Local Assessment Data to develop strategies. Strategy(ies) and activities for each phase (3 years) that address the integration of technology into curriculum and instruction. Strategy(ies) and activities for each phase (3 years) that address an increase in student accessibility.
ACTION PLAN: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Section 2 Part C Use conclusions from Educator Qualifications and Professional Growth Data. Strategy(ies) and activities for each phase (3 years) that address professional development focused on the integration of technology into the curriculum and instruction. Sample district pg 56
ACTION PLAN: PARENTAL/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Section 2 Part D Use conclusions from Parent Community Involvement Data Strategy(ies) and activities for each phase (3 years) that address the promotion of parental and community involvement. Strategy(ies) and activities for each phase (3 years) that address an increase in communications with parents, including a description of how parents will be informed of the technology use. Sample district pg 57
ACTION PLAN: TECHNOLOGY DEPLOYMENT Section 2 Part E: Use conclusions from Technology Deployment data and District Inventory. Strategy(ies) and activities for each phase (3 years) that address the acquisition, utilization, and/or reliable access of technology and telecommunication. NOTE: Make sure activities includes services requested in the E-rate application! Sample district pg 58
ACTION PLAN: MONITORING PROCESS Monitoring Description This should include a description of how district personnel will monitor the effectiveness of strategies and activities toward the achievement of the goals. The description should address:
MONITORING DESCRIPTION Integrating technology into curriculum and instruction Increasing the ability of teachers to teach Enabling students to reach challenging state academic standards Establishing an on-going, measurable process for monitoring the effectiveness of strategies and activities toward the achievement of the goal(s)
ACTION PLAN: MONITORING PROCESS Monitoring Description – Sample District administration and instructional technology committee will continue reviewing, analyzing, and planning for the effective use of technology in our classrooms. The district will strive to make adjustments to this plan as necessary to compensate for those and any other factors that might affect the efficiency of the use of technology and telecommunications equipment and services for instruction and learning.
ACTION PLAN: MONITORING PROCESS Monitoring Tools – Instrument for gathering data – Surveys, Sign-In Sheets, etc. Progress Indicators – what’s your measure for improvement—how will you know? (Increase in…) Evaluation Frequency – how often? Person(s) Responsible – title of person (can use name if you want)
BEFORE SUBMISSION Finish Action Plan section of the TIP; and Finalize online plan. Send to Cyndie for pre-review if you want feedback BEFORE peer review. Must be sent by Feb. Submit plan for peer review around Feb. 24.
QUESTIONS? Cyndie McCarley