T. KurtykaLinac4 meeting 12 March 2009 Guidelines from the sLHC Specification Committee 1). sLHC Specification Committee 2). Schedule of tenders for Linac4 3). Guidelines: - templates of tender documents - timetable for preparation of tender documents 4). Procedures
T. KurtykaLinac4 meeting 12 March sLHC Specification Committee: mandate, present CERN rules Mandate of the SpecCom – acc. to CERN/FC/4016 – “Technical Auditing of CERN Tendering Documents” The Specification Committee is reviewing the tender documents for orders exceeding 200 kCHF (MS and IT) Adjudications of contracts higher than 750 kCHF requires approval of the Finance Committee New elements (2008) in the CERN rules/procedures: –New Commercial Procedures (“Lowest Bid” for supply contracts, “Best Value for Money” for service contracts), –New rules of the Safety Commission; separation of technical and auditing functions ->Safety File for each Project must be provided! (exists for Linac4, but may need successive updating!).
T. KurtykaLinac4 meeting 12 March ). Schedule of tenders for Linac4 (see Excel file- M. Vretenar Dec. 2008) To do: –Update the expected dates of MS and IT; –Submit the updated schedule to ILO Forum (via A. Unnervik).
T. KurtykaLinac4 meeting 12 March ). Guidelines Templates of tender documents for Linac4 Project - - available for MS and IT (based on LHC templates, but with the Introduction* describing the Linac4 Project) Note1(*): two versions of the Introduction are in circulation-please choose one! Note2: There is no template for Price Enquiry, so please use that for IT. Timetable for preparation of tender documents
4). Procedures for DO, MS and IT -Plan in time depending on level of DO, MS, IT -Prepare relevant docs: MS: technical description, technical questionnaire, qualification criteria + list of firms DO, IT: technical specification, technical questionnaire (if relevant), results of MS (for IT) or list of firms -Agree buyer and reference number with Procurement -Agree Project Doc number with Cecile Noels -Submit the documents for MS or IT to Cecile for the Specification Committee MS: 2 weeks in circulation within SpecCom members, then remarks collected by SpecCom chairman, corrections agreed with the author(s), final version submitted to Cecile who sends them to Procurement. IT: as MS, but with the meeting of the SpecCom (authors + referees invited). See IT timeline. T. Kurtyka Linac4 meeting 12 March 2009
IT timeline. T. KurtykaLinac4 meeting 12 March Work of the SpecCom: send the documents at least 2 weeks before the SpecCom meeting. - IT ready, docs sent to Purchasing. - Dispatch - Closing date - Bid opening - Docs with proposal - Finance Committee Allow 1 week for corrections. Purchasing needs 1 week at least. At least 4 weeks before closing date. 1 week between closing date and opening. Discussions with the company. Time ? Allow 2 months.
T. KurtykaLinac4 meeting 12 March 2009 sLHC SpecCom - Check List (A)Legal requirements of the Host States (B) CERN adjudication rules: Tender procedure (number of potential bidders, “broad competition”, adjudication criteria), Completeness and coherence of tender documents. (C) Safety requirements: General Safety for the phase of Construction, Installation and Operation, Radiation Safety for the phase of Operation, Maintenance (and Dismantling).
T. KurtykaLinac4 meeting 12 March 2009 sLHC SpecCom - Check List (D) Functional aspects wrt: Space for Linac4 basic structures Installation Transport, handling Repairs, interventions Services: –El. Equipment –Cooling & Ventilation Radiation shielding Access control, evacuation (E) Interfaces - Linac4 as a part of : Present Injection Complex Future SPL
T. Kurtyka Linac4 meeting 12 March 2009 sLHC SpecCom - Check List (F) Possible impact of the incompleteness of tender documentation on cost. (G) Warranty aspects (e.g. if long storage before final operation).