Realism Statism…survival…self-help
Why theory “A theory must be more than a hypothesis; it can’t be obvious; it involves complex relations of a systematic kind among a number of factors; and it is not easily confirmed or disproved.” (Culler)
Why theory Theory is one of those words which conjures up both fear and boredom. Fear because it sounds like something abstract and incomprehensible like -- Einstein's theory of relativity. Boredom because who wants to learn about theory -- reality is far more interesting and theories don't really reflect reality! But the problem is that we can't understand all of "the facts," we aren't even sure which facts are relevant. When studying international relations should we concentrate on countries? on leaders? on war? on the international economy? ON WHAT? Theories are ways we organize the facts and tell coherent, empirically driven and testable stories about how the world works. Whether we like it or not -- all knowledge is driven by theories.
What are we trying to do first to challenge you to think about theory and then to present you with a range of theories which will aid our understanding of the world we live in. From this knowledge base you will be asked to analyze, evaluate and criticize the theories presented. We will be emphasizing the connections between international relations theory and reality of international affairs in a globalizing world At the end of this semester you will be able to think critically about International Affairs, and to analyze issues in world politics with greater depth and sensitivity.
Realism - background Looking at international affairs we can identify 4 periods Pre World War – – s -
Pre-theory Up to 1914 There was no discipline of ‘international relations The focus was on events No pattern was sought as to what shaped relationships and why there were certain outcomes and not others
At the heart of ‘thinking’ was a wish that war wouldn’t happen again. This is described as ‘Idealism’, based on 19 th century Liberalism, It wanted to base itself on International Law, the League of Nations There was no impact from Marxist ideas at this point
Idealism had failed; war had not been avoided; collective security had failed Disillusion with the League of Nations A sense now of needing to be ‘in touch with the real world’ Realism as a theory for world politics emerges Influenced by ‘power politics’ and the emergence of nuclear power
Consensus on what theory best explains international relations is gone Two main strands of writing emerge Economic which focuses on interdependence Reversion to national concerns These fit into 3 different perspectives, reflecting different ideological underpinnings, different starting points Realism Interdependence Dependency
An approach Who are the actors in the international system What are the characteristics of the global political process Outcomes – how is the nature of the world system expressed through this theory?
Realism Its main concern is with ‘power politics’; the nature of the state is to get as much ‘power’ as possible The advantages to this view: Willingness on the part of the state to threaten others Legitimises the pursuit of national interest Intellectually well established tradition; its key proponents, Morgenthau, Carr, Kissinger
Realism: who are the actors For realists, the states are the actors; they see society as being divided into states and they are the central political units; the state is seen as a single unit, it makes rational choices; no other actor can create war/peace since the decline of the Papacy; other actors ( bureaucrats in organisations) these are seen as agents of the state
Realism… the actors They see society as being distinguished by State Sovereignty ( territorially defined) The state has a monopoly on the legitimate use of power The primary purpose of the state is to defend the ‘national interest’
Characteristics of the global political process For Realists, military and security goals are always predominant Instrument of state policy: military force Agenda: this is set by shifts in the balance of power and by security threats arising Linkage of issues: Role of international organisations: are minor and limited; states do not see them as being effective
Realism: what are the outcomes Limited order as society is ‘anarchic, i.e. the absence of overarching government The world is made up of sovereign states; they have the capacity to make war so there is a security dilemma where resources are not divided out equally
Realism… outcomes… Key questions: how to control states in the international system The central concept: the nature of ‘power’
‘Power’ Holsti: ‘the general capacity of a state to control the behaviour of others Morgenthau: all states are concerned with power, either increasing power ( imperialism) or demonstrating power ( the politics of prestige
Power … Taylor He identifies certain propositions about power All states must attempt to maximise power Power is seen as an end in itself States seek to use power in relation with other states Military strength is seen as most important source of state power The nature of military might and how it is distributed is seen as a determinant of how the international system works
Advantages of realism Governments do act like this some of the time It allows you to come to grip with the reality of force It is a starting point for the development of other theories