HISTORY Revision Grids SURGERY Date of the Exam – friday 26 june 2015 DEALING WITH INFECTION DEALING WITH BLOOD LOSS DEALING WITH PAIN INFLUENCE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ON SURGERYUBLIC Influence of first world war on surgeryBLIC Influence of communications on surgeryBLIC
HISTORY Revision Grids solving problems of surgery Date of the Exam – FRIDAY 26 JUNE 2015 Dealing with pain = anaesthetics – james simpson Choloroform 1847 Dealing with infection antiseptics – joseph lister – carbolic acid 1867 DEALING WITH BLOOD LOSS KARL LANDSTEINER – BLOOD GROUPS 1901
Command Words What it means Example Command Words These are incredibly important as they tell you what to do in an exam question Command Words What it means Example What can you learn? Describe what you can see or guess in Source A. What can you learn from Source A about how operations were carried out before the 19th century? Explain your answer. Use the Key Word – BECAUSE. I can see that in Source B they had more technology because it says “ ….” Explain your answer, using Sources A and B and your own knowledge. How reliable? Use the 6 Ws to work out how reliable the Source is – WHAT/WHAT/WHO/WHERE/WHY/WHEN How reliable are Sources D and E as evidence of the success of Lister’s antiseptic methods? Why? Give reasons. Why was the problem of infection so great in the 1860s? How far do you agree? Give both sides of the argument How far do you agree with this interpretation? How important? Write about the importance of ALL the factors which led to the discovery. How important for the prevention of disease in Britain was the discovery of a smallpox vaccination in 1796? Use your own knowledge. Include FACTS which you know that answer the Question. Explain your answer, using Source B and your own knowledge. Use Sources D, E and F Include information from Source D, E and F. Use Sources D, E and F and your own knowledge to explain your answer. And any other sources you find helpful Include information from at least ONE other Source that agrees or disagrees with the statement Explain your answer, using your own knowledge, Sources D, E and F and any other sources you find helpful.
Hints: Stick to a strict TIME LIMIT for Each Question as follows; - Question 1 – 6 Marks = 10 Minutes - Question 2 – 8 Marks = 10 Minutes - Question 3 – 10 Marks = 15 Minutes - Question 4 – 10 Marks = 15 Minutes - Question 5 – 16 Marks = 20 Minutes PLAN your answers carefully – if the Question asks you to Use 4 sources and your own knowledge – you should usually write FIVE PARAGRAPHS – one paragraph on each of the sources and one paragraph on your own knowledge.
Hints: START BY ANSWERING QUESTION 5 – it is worth 16 marks Question 5 Read through your work to check that you have answered the question. Hints: Question 5 How far do you agree with this statement? Use your own knowledge, sources a,c, d and g and any other sources you find useful. Check your time! 1 hr 15 MIN EXAM = 5 QUESTIONS Answer all questions Read the question UNDERLINE THE IMPORTANT WORDS WRITE A PLAN SUPPORT EVERY POINT YOU MAKE WITH EXPLANATION AND EVIDENCE
MAKING NOTES – QUESTION 5 Agree with Statement Disagree with Statement Source D Source F Source G Other Sources Own Knowledge
REMEMBER: PEEL and LINK back to the question throughout your answer. PLAN Paragraph 1 Write about how far Source D agrees and disagrees with the statement. Paragraph 2 Write about how far Source E agrees and disagrees with the statement. Paragraph 3 Write about how far Source F agrees and disagrees with the statement. Paragraph 4 Write about how far Other Sources agree and disagree with the statement. Paragraph 5 Using your OWN knowledge say how far YOU agree and disagree with the statement. Paragraph 6 CONCLUSION – Overall do you agree or disagree with the statement. REMEMBER: PEEL and LINK back to the question throughout your answer.
QUESTION 4 – HOW RELIABLE ARE SOURCES D AND E AS EVIDENCE OF ...? Simple Judgement ““Source D is from the time and therefore reliable; Source D is by a surgeon therefore would be reliable; Source E gives details of statistics and therefore is very reliable.” To assess ‘ how reliable?’ Use the 6 W’s what/what/who/ Where/why/ when L2 Judgement based on the reliability of the person who wrote the source “Explains that Source D is from a surgeon at the time who will have known how other surgeons were feeling and is reliable evidence.” SENTENCE STARTERS “Source D was written in the year ………….. This might make it more reliable than Source E because ….” L3 Judgement based on BOTH content and reliability. “The use of carbolic acid was based on the germ theory which was correct and did actually reduce infection.”
QUESTION 3 –Use Source C and your own knowledge to explain why ... Simple statement “they did too many operations” Write about what Source C tells you about why the problem of infection was so great in the 1860s. PARAGRAPH 1 Write about what your own knowledge tells you about why the problem of infection was so great in the 1860s. PARAGRAPH 2 L2 Statements are supported by information from the source and/or additional knowledge. Details the changes brought about by anaesthetics and describes the increase in the number and new types of operations when patients were not in pain. L3 Uses the source and precise own knowledge. Surgeons carried out operations involving more complex surgery. Uses additional knowledge, for example of the types of operations or the way infection was transmitted, to show that the rise in surgery, combined with the lack of understanding of the causes of wound infection led to the ‘black period’ of surgery.
Valid comment without support from the source. QUESTION 2 –Study Source B and use your own knowledge. What is the purpose of this representation? L1 Valid comment without support from the source. ‘It was to show how to do antiseptic surgery.’ Content (What does it show?) Origin (Who produced it? Is it a journal/letter? cartoon?) Purpose (Why was it produced?) L2 Analysis is used to explain its’ purpose The purpose is to make sure that the antiseptic method is followed very carefully. Many surgeons at the time had difficulties with the method because they were too impatient and did not carry it out carefully enough. Valid comment linked to details in the content of the source. ‘All the antiseptic equipment to be used and the people doing the operation are included and that this is showing how an operation is done.’ L3
QUESTION 1 –What can you learn from Source A about ...? Paragraph 1 Write about what SOURCE A tells you about how operations were carried out before the nineteenth century. Paragraph 2 Write about what you can guess from SOURCE A about how operations were carried out before the nineteenth century. Selects relevant detail(s) from source ‘The patient was held down’ L2 L3 Guesses are offered, but without support from sources. ‘Infection was a problem in surgery’. Guesses are made and supported from the source. ‘The fact that they are holding the patient down suggests that it must have been very painful’
An eighteenth century painting of an operation. DON’T Use your own knowledge –the Question doesn’t ask for it! Analyse if the sources are reliable – again, the Question doesn’t ask you to do this! DO Write about what the Sources tell you – copy out lines from the source to support your answer.( If it is a written source.) Write about what you can guess from the source. An eighteenth century painting of an operation.