The Road to World War I (WWI) CHAPTER 23 SECTION
Nationalism & Alliances The way people identified themselves in Europe started to change around the beginning of the 20 th century. Europeans no longer viewed themselves in racial or religious terms, but rather by their nationality (i.e., British, German, Italian). This new sense of nationalism has been present since the end of the Enlightenment era, and gained popularity during the numerous reforms that brought constitutions to many of these nations. The older rivalries of Europe also played a role in numerous alliances made between these nations. On one side you had the triple Entente (Great Britain, France, & Russia), on the other you had the Triple alliance(Austria-Hungarian Empire, Germany, Italy).
Militarism Along with the premade alliances, there was also an increase in military spending. New technologies were modified so the would be able to use them in their militaries. These technologies are one reason why WWI was so violent. Conscription, or mandatory military service was also spreading around Europe. The U.S. & Britain were exceptions, their militaries were staffed by volunteers. With these new large armies, plans were put in place to mobilize thousands of troops upon receiving orders from their respected heads of state.
Outbreak of War In 1914 a Serbian Nationalist (Serbia was part of Austria-Hungarian Empire but wants independence) assassinated the Heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. As a result, the Emperor of the Austrian Hungarian Empire, William II, declares to put down the Serbian Independence movement by oppressing that group. Serbians (nationality) are mostly Slavic (ethnicity). Russia, led by czar Nicholas II, had the largest empire led by Slavic people, take it upon themselves to defend the Serbian rebels, mobilizing their army and beginning the escalation that would soon bring the world to the brink of war. Because alliances that were made, Great Britain & France enter the war on behalf of Russia (triple entente). Italy & Germany enter on the side of Austria-Hungary (triple alliance).
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Conflict Broadens Because of militarism, plans were put in place for the future outcome of war. War was common in Europe between nations so the fact that the had contingency plans for such an event is not surprising. Germany had the Schlieffen Plan, created by General Alfred von Schlieffen. Since the had enemies at both their Northern border (Russia) and southern border (France), the plan called for holding off Russian troops at their northern border, while a larger army would invade France from their Southern border. In order to fully invade France, Germany needed to pass through Belgium, a neutral country at the beginning of the conflict. Once Germany violates Belgium's neutrality, Britain declares war on Germany.
Schlieffen Plan