Lesson one: Where in the world am I?
? Source: Christian Heeb, National Geographic
? Source: George Steinmetz, National Geographic
? Source: Kevin Schafer, National Geographic
? Source: Sharmy Francis National Geographic
? Source: National Geographic
? Source: Joel Sartore, National Geographic
? Source: National Geographic
Watch the tourism video below Where do you think this is? What do you think it is like there?
Using Google Earth or an atlas locate Brazil Where is Brazil?
What do you already know about Brazil? What would you like to find out about Brazil?
Market Place Stage 1(5 min) – Preparation. Each group reads the resource card and writes notes Stage 2 (10 min) – Market. Stall holder stays with poster, to explain poster to visiting researchers. Researchers go to find other information and make notes. Stage 3(8 min) – Teaching. The researchers teach the stallholder and the others what they have found out Stage 4 – Quiz. By now you all know everything and are ready for the quiz
How much information can you now place on the map? Source: 10 countries border Brazil: Paraguay Bolivia Peru Columbia Venezuela Guyana Uruguay French Guiana Suriname