Open Aid Partnership Open Aid Partnership visualizes the sub-national location of donor-financed projects
Open Aid Partnership- Objectives Improve Aid Transparency: increase transparency through Open Data on aid flows and public service delivery Enhance Results: Better target, monitor, and coordinate aid flows within countries Establish Feedback Loop: Empower citizens and CSOs to provide direct feedback on project outcomes Increase Aid Transparency and Citizen Engagement for Better Results
All Bank-financed projects are mapped Maps for all 144 IBRD and IDA countries developed More than 30,000 project locations mapped combined with sub-national MDG indictors (poverty, infant mortality, malnutrition) Visualized geographic locations for 2,500 active Bank projects What we have done so far: Mapping for Results
Regions Countries Sectors Projects Mapping at Various Levels
Are health projects in areas with the highest infant mortality?
Key Components of Partnership Open Aid Map a common platform to show locations of donor programs Country Platforms for open aid flows and public expenditures Citizen Feedback Loops to promote citizen engagement in the delivery of public services Capacity Development to empower CSOs and Citizens to effectively use and generate data Impact Evaluations to assess the impact of open aid on development outcomes
1) Open Aid Map Geo-coding of donor-financed projects based on IATI standard Joint Open Aid Map for better aid coordination (AidData) Visualize projects of 27 donors combined with poverty data
How can we map our projects?
2) Country Mapping Platform Enable governments to collect, make openly available and visualize data on development assistance, budgets and public service delivery
Poverty and WB projects WB and USAID projects Public Expenditures Feedback Loop Nepal Country Platform Pilot
Haiti Community- Based Reporting
4) Capacity Development Raise awareness among citizens about the power of open data Strengthen Capacity of CSOs and Citizens to effectively use and generate open data Engage, connect and empower communities to act upon provided data Assist public service provider in receiving and responding to citizen feedback
5) Impact Evaluations Provide an objective basis for assessing impact of Open Aid and Citizen Feedback Loops Use Randomized Controlled Trial and Participatory Action Learning Document and disseminate the lessons learned from evaluation findings
Suggested Priority Countries Africa: DRC, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda Latin America: Bolivia, Peru South Asia: Nepal, Bangladesh East Asia: Indonesia
Contact Information: Soren Gigler Team Lead Open Aid Partnership Innovation Practice World Bank Institute Tel: