“As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world.” “For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” Virginia Woolf
V IRGINIA W OOLF (J ANUARY 25, 1882 – M ARCH 28, 1941) was an English novelist and essayist regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. denied the formal education allowed to males Her father, Leslie Stephen, edited the huge Dictionary of National Biography.
the third of their four children 1904-Virginia's decision to write took hold her first novel, The Voyage Out (1915) suffers through three major mental breakdowns In March 1941, Woolf left suicide notes for her husband and sister and drowned herself in a nearby river.
M OST NOTABLE PUBLICATIONS “Night and Day” “The Mark on the Wall” “Jacob's Room” “Monday or Tuesday” “Mrs. Dalloway” “To The Lighthouse” “Between the Acts”
“Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.”
M RS D ALLOWAY In Mrs. Dalloway, published in 1925, Woolf discovered a new literary form capable of expressing the new realities of postwar England. The novel depicts the subjective experiences and memories of its central characters over a single day in post–World War I London. Divided into parts, rather than chapters, the novel's structure highlights the finely interwoven texture of the characters' thoughts.
Mrs Dalloway London, England Modernist novel May 14, 1925 in Sussex Omniscient narrator Free indirect discourse A day in mid- June, Clarissa Dalloway Many flashbacks Third- person singular pronouns
M AJOR CHARACTERS : Clarissa Dalloway Richard Dalloway Elizabeth Dalloway Peter Walsh Sally Seton Septimus Warren Smith Lucrezia Warren Smith
M AJOR T HEMES The sea as symbol of life Doubling The intersection of time and timelessness Social commentary Disillusionment with the British Empire The Fear of Death
M OTIFS & S YMBOLS Time Shakespeare Trees and Flowers The Prime Minister Peter Walsh's Pocketknife and Other Weapons The Old Woman in the Window