2015 NADA Annual General Meeting 16 November 2015
NADA Achievements
Advocacy & representation NSW Health, Partnerships for Health -Sector Mapping Report -Healthy Partners Commonwealth DoH, Peaks Network Methamphetamine initiatives Sector Watch Update
Initiatives NADAbase Sector Capacity Building Project Service Planning and Development Initiative Women’s AOD Services Development Program Workforce Development Grants Range of events Advocate NADA networks Youth AOD Services Network Women’s AOD Services Network CMHDARN Establishment of the NADA Practice Leadership Group
New resources NADA Policy Toolkit (2nd Edition) Enhanced Performance Management Guide Working with Diversity in AOD Settings Benchmarking: A Guide for the NSW NGO AOD Sector Supporting Young People with AOD Issues: A Profile of Non Government AOD Services for Young People in NSW NADA Practice Resource: Working with Women Engaged in AOD Treatment FundAssist in partnership with NCETA and Australian state and territory AOD peaks
New strategic plan and brand
2015 NADA Member and Stakeholder Feedback Report
Feedback results Members This year’s feedback survey saw a 31% (n=31) response rate from members, a decrease from 40% in 2014.
Feedback results Stakeholders 23 responses were received from the NADA stakeholder list
Feedback results 83.9% of members surveyed said their organisation improved as a result of involvement with NADA’s projects, resources or grants 87.1% said NADA was effective in consulting with members 56.5% (34.8% don’t know) of the stakeholders surveyed indicated that the NSW non-government sector was better off as a result of NADA activities and initiatives over the last 12 months “NADA is an excellent peak body which is innovative and proactive; and fearlessly advocates on behalf of the collective membership.” – Member feedback
Feedback results Members rating for NADA's general activities during (n=31) Useful and valuable Not useful or valuable Don't know a) Communication and information dissemination (e.g. Member Updates, The Advocate, website, Sector Watch) %0.00% 3100 b) NADA hosted events such as the NADA conference, training, workshops, and forums (e.g. Hepatitis, Methamphetamine, program evaluation, performance management) 93.55%0.00%6.45% 2902 c) NADAbase (N/MDS and COMS) data collection and reporting, training and support services 70.97%3.23%25.81% 2218 d) NADA resources (e.g. Policy Toolkit, Benchmarking Guide, Working with Diversity) 93.55%0.00%6.45% 2902 “Thank you for your support and high professional advocacy and sharing information to the sector.” - Member feedback
Feedback results “Highly knowledgeable, articulate, and supportive when needed, thank you for the good job you are doing representing and supporting us NADA.” - Member feedback
Feedback results “Better off? The NGO sector is a mess due to commonwealth & state planning problems. Has NADA been able to impact this - not really - as they a re caught up in the same planning paralysis - but not their fault either. NADA has not proactively sought to engage with LHDs and government service providers - but this is a two way street - and reflects historical antipathies. There needs to be much better co-ordination between the NGO and state govt sectors - and this needs to be locally driven as unlikely to get much leadership centrally in this new age of devolvement and relegation of D&A to an afterthought - Mental Health has sucked up ALL the oxygen in MHDAO and DoH.” – Stakeholder feedback “I would like to continue working with NADA and developing our relationship in order to broaden engagement with NADA members and strengthen networks.” – Stakeholder feedback
Feedback results Future activity and issues for NADA to focus on 1.Advocating for increased and sustainable funding “NADA please continue to provide strong advocacy and a sound planning voice for the NGO AOD Sector” 2.Supporting partnerships and linkages “Actively promoting and assisting organisations to discuss and think about partnerships and mergers, helping organisations advocate for services in their areas.”
Feedback results Future activity and issues for NADA to focus on 3.Workforce development “Continue to deliver a client first approach, offering support and advice, education on the harm of substance abuse and working with external stakeholders in relation to clients dealing with substance abuse issues.” 4.Research and evaluation “(We need) longitudinal studies to evaluate the effects of early intervention for children of addicts in breaking the transgenerational cycle. Detailed research on effectiveness of abstinence vs harm minimization.”
Feedback results Future activity and issues for NADA to focus on 5. NADAbase “Overall NADABase is an extremely useful system, however I would recommend changes to the layout of the system i.e. simpler and easy to understand to ensure all data is captured and included when we extract the report.” “Improvements to reporting functions, graphs can be a bit complex. Graphs should be more simplified, easy to understand, relevant to each organisation. A separate tab that deals with referrals to extend rehab/detox facilities to ensure all data is recorded accurately.”
Feedback results Thank you to all NADA members and stakeholders that responded to this year’s Member and Stakeholder Feedback surveys. The information provided is valuable and will inform future service and activity planning. “NADA is well positioned with hard working and visionary staff, who keep up to date with the political climate and best practice interventions for AOD NGO Agencies. I have nothing to suggest that would improve upon their already superior service” – Member feedback “Continue the good work!” - Stakeholder feedback
NADA membership update
Changes to NADA membership in 2016 At the 17 August 2015 NADA Board meeting a discussion paper was tabled that looked at NADA Membership Classification. The purpose of the paper was to clarify and address several issues that been identified regarding the classification of NADA members. A working group was established to document the key issues and provide recommendations for discussion by the NADA Board. The following changes to NADA membership will be communicated to NADA members in writing in the coming months.
Changes to NADA membership in 2016 Multi-site and multi-program organisations membership The Board discussed membership for multi-site and multi-program organisations in light of changes to the size and structure of organisations across the sector. The NADA Board has recommended: No changes to membership structure. Current and potential members choose membership options.
Changes to NADA membership in 2016 Membership fee review The NADA Board reviewed membership fees in line with fees for other similar peak bodies in NSW and nationally. The NADA Board has recommended: The following new fee structure effective 1 July 2016
Changes to NADA membership in 2016 Member database functions and use of N/MDS codes The Board discussed the resources required for NADA to manage and support sector data, particularly the increase resources required to support organisations that have multiple individual N/MDS coded programs. The NADA Board has recommended: All members will have one N/MDS code supported as part of memberships fee. A $100 annual fee per additional N/MDS code will be introduced effective 1 July 2016.
Changes to NADA membership in 2016 Requirement for endorsement by two current members The Board discuss the requirement for two current members to endorse new members as set out in the NADA constitution. The NADA Board has decided to: Endorsement process to remain as is, but noted for consideration as part of review of NADA Constitution next year. The Board may exercise the right to endorse new members as members of NADA, if required. Additionally, NADA staff to provide advice to the Board on new members to enable an informed decision on endorsement.
Changes to NADA membership in 2016 Impact on membership following the roll out of government reviews The Board discussed the need to maintain a watching brief on this issue and continue to work with MHDAO to guide the implementation of the Partnerships for Health initiative. The NADA Board has recommended: Agreement to have a hardship clause for organisations that may lose funding to enable them to access NADA’s services for a 12 month period. Board to review membership structure following implementation of Commonwealth and State NGO reform process if there is a significant impact on members.
Changes to NADA membership in 2016 Implementation Dec 15 - Jan 16 Members will be receive a letter from NADA outlining these changes Mar - Apr 16 Members will receive a new membership form to complete, in line with these changes and to update the NADA member database Jun - Jul 16 Members will receive an invoice for membership fees based on new structure NADA welcomes your feedback on these changes. Please
Thank you