GENERAL DATA M.R. 34 years old/Female/Single Right handed Place of Birth: Oriental Mindoro Roman Catholic Fish vendor Quezon City Date of Admission: January 29, 2010 Informant: Patient Reliability: Good
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Headache located on the left temporal area pressing in character graded as 5/10 No associated vomiting, diplopia, blurring of vision, or weakness Patient could still perform usual activities Consult was done in a private clinic in Olongapo Tramadol was prescribed CBC and Urinalysis were done Nov, 2009
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Increase in severity of headache same location graded as 8/10 patient still does her usual activities no difficulty in ambulation Consult done in another hospital in Olongapo December 2009
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS CT scan was requested Faint enhancing lesions in the left frontal and left thalamus with areas of low attenuation Findings may relate to infectious/inflammatory or neoplastic process December 2009
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Prescribed medications Pregabalin (Lyrica) 150mg/cap, OD for 7days Meloxicam(Mobic)15mg, OD December 2009
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS I ncrease in severity of headache, which would now affect her usual activities January, 2010
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS January 22, 2010 Headache associated with Diplopia & vomiting Consult done in Zambales and MRI was requested. Patient went to PGH for the procedure however, due to conflict in schedule, opted to transfer to UST
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Notable weight loss, loss of appetite No fever No rash, no pruritus No visual disturbances, no eye, nose, or ear discharge No cough, no difficulty of breathing No chest pain, no easy fatigability, no orthopnea, no palpitations
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS No urgency, no hesitancy, no frequency, no gross hematuria No diarrhea, no constipation No heat or cold intolerance, no polydipsia, no polyuria, no polyphagia No easy bruisability, no bleeding, no cyanosis, no edema No hallucinations, no personality changes
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY (+) Pneumonia: treated (outpatient) with unrecalled antibiotics (-)Thyroid diseases (-)DM (-)HPN (-)Blood dyscrasia (-)Malignancy (-) asthma (-)allergy
FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY (-) Cancer (-) Hypertension (-) Renal disease (-) Cardiovascular disease (-) Tuberculosis (-) Hematologic disease (-) No endocrine disease (-) asthma (-) Allergy
Gynecologic History G3P3( ) Last Menstrual Period: Jan 21-24, 2010 Past Menstrual Period: Nov 21-24, 2009 Oral Contraceptive pill user for 13 years First sexual contact: 17years old One sexual partner
MENSTRUAL PERIOD Menarche: 12 years old Interval: every days Duration: 3-4 days Amount: 1-2 pads per day Symptoms: (+)Dysmenorrhea
PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY Mixed diet Non-smoker Non-alcoholic beverage drinker Denies illicit drug use
Physical Examination Conscious, coherent, ambulatory, not in cardiorespiratory distress BP: 130/80 PR: 82 bpm, reg RR: 20 cpm, reg T: 37.6 C Ht: 155cm wt: 60kg BMI: 25 Warm, moist skin, (+)Verruca plantaris, right foot; no pallor, no jaundice Pink palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclera, pupils 2- 3mm equally reactive to light, midline nasal septum, Turbinates not congested, no nasoaural discharge,, no masses, moist buccal mucosa, nonhyperemic posterior pharyngeal wall, tonsils not enlarged
Physical Examination Supple neck, thyroid not enlarged, no palpable cervical lymph nodes, no anterior neck mass, no carotid bruit Breast: symmetrical, no abnormal discharge, no skin dimpling, no palpable axillary lymph nodes Symmetrical chest expansion, no retractions, Clear and equal breath sounds Adynamic precordium, AB at 5th LICS along MCL, no murmurs Flat abdomen, normoactive bowel sounds, soft, nontender, no mass Pulses full and equal, no cyanosis, no edema
NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION Conscious, coherent, oriented to time, to place, and to person MMSE: 28/30 Olfaction intact in both nostrils Pupils 2-3mm equally reactive to light, (+)ROR, (-)papillededma,(-)hemorrhages, (+)Direct & consensual pupillary reflex, no visual field cuts Extraoculomotor muscles full and equal, (+) conjugate gaze V1V2V3 intact sensory
NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION can raise eyebrows, can frown, can smile, can puff cheeks, intact gross hearing, no lateralization on Weber ’ s, AC> BC Rinne’s can shrug shoulders equally can turn head from side-to-side Tongue midline on protrusion, uvula midline on phonation,
Can do finger-to-nose test and alternating pronation-supination test with ease (-) Romberg’s sign Able tandem walk NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION
MOTOR 4/5 5/5 4/55/5 4/5 5/5 No muscle atrophy, no fasciculations, no spasticity, no rigidity (+)pronator drift, right
No Babinski, No Nuchal rigidity No Kernig’s, no brudzinski’s NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION
ASSESSMENT Intracranial Mass Lesion probably neoplastic (1) Primary (2) Metastatic
PLANS Serum Sodium, Potassium, CBC, BUN, Creatinine, Chest X ray MRI Mammography CT scan of whole abdomen Ultrasound of the whole abdomen Referral to Neurosurgery Referral to Gynecology Paps Smear Transvaginal Ultrasound
NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS I.Identify presence of neurologic problem II.Determine the location of the neurologic problem (anatomy) III.Identify the lesion (pathophysiology) Lowenstein, et al. Approach to the Patient with Neurologic Disease. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17 th edition. 2008
NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS I.Identify presence of neurologic problem Lowenstein, et al. Approach to the Patient with Neurologic Disease. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17 th edition ?Focal Neurologic Deficits ?Increased Intracranial Pressure ?Meningeal Irritation NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS Headache Diplopia Vomiting
NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS II.Determine the location of the neurologic problem (anatomy) Adams and Victor’s : Principles of Neurology, 8 th ed NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS Levelize Localize Lateralize (+) Diplopia Level of the pons
NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS III.Identify the lesion (pathophysiology) Lowenstein, et al. Approach to the Patient with Neurologic Disease. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17 th edition Temporal Profile Other useful information NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS
III.Identify the lesion (pathophysiology) Lowenstein, et al. Approach to the Patient with Neurologic Disease. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17 th edition Temporal Profile Other useful information NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS Chronic Headache Gradual evolution over months (+) diplopia, (+) vomiting Slowly progressing without remissions Consider: Mass lesions (neoplasm, abscess, hematoma)
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS January 22, 2010 MRI findings Multiple rim enhancing lesions in the gray matter junction in both fronto- parietal region and left basal ganglia with varying amounts of surrounding vasogenic edema and some hemorrhagic foci