Facilities Included In Joint Desalination Project Rehabilitate 15 Source Wells – 18.5 MGD 16 New Blend Wells - 12.0 MGD RO Plant - 15.5 MGD Treated Water.


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Presentation transcript:

Facilities Included In Joint Desalination Project Rehabilitate 15 Source Wells – 18.5 MGD 16 New Blend Wells MGD RO Plant MGD Treated Water Concentrate Disposal Facilities Pipelines - Collection, Transmission, Brine Disposal Water Resources Learning Center

Hueco Model Graphic of Brackish Water Interception Trough

Conceptual Rendering Water Resources Learning Center

Study Area; Lower Valley Desalination

Hudspeth Jeff Davis El Paso Presidio Culberson Wild Horse Ranch 110 miles 150 miles Wild Horse RanchAcreage 20,946 Antelope Valley RanchAcreage 24,778 Capitan Reef FarmsAcreage 29,318 Importation of Groundwater Antelope Valley Ranch Dell City 80 miles DESALINATION Capitan Reef Farms
