California Tries One Solution to Water Problems – Treating Seawater by: Sacramento Bee Adapted by NewsELA Staff
Vocabulary Rate the following words by familiarity 1 if you know the word and what it means 2 if you have heard the word but are not sure what it means 3 if you have never heard the word before droughtsubsurface desalinationinnovative environmentalist
First read (Teacher - read the entire text) Purpose is to identify main ideas from the text. Look for big ideas. Mark the text by numbering paragraphs. Write 1-2 sentences about the subject of the article.
First Re-read (Chunking the text to answer text dependent questions.) A. With a partner: Reread section 1. B. Question: What increase in water bills would San Diego water customers see per month if the desalination plant is up and running?
Second Re-read (Chunking the text to answer text dependent questions.) A. With a partner: Reread section 2 and 3. B. Question: What are two “downsides” or problems associated with desalination plants?
Third Re-read (Chunking the text to answer text dependent questions.) A. With a partner: Reread section 4. B. Question: What is another major environmental problem with desalinating water? C. Question: What are two possible solutions for the problem asked about in the previous question?
Discussion question A. Base your next two answers on the information you used to answer the question in the First Re-Read section above (dollar increase per customer per month). B. What would be the total increase in fees for water consumption for San Diego residents over a one year period? A ten year period?
Summary Writing assignment If you were a city councilman for the city of Los Angeles how would you sell the idea of desalination to the mayor and the rest of the city council? (Hint: Pro’s…solutions for con’s) Make sure your paragraph has -An Introduction -Evidence -A Conclusion