The Colony of Plimoth By: Brittany, Tiffany and Garth
Who Founded It And When? Plimoth was founded by England. The colonists in England left England Sunday September 6, They arrived on Wednesday November 11, 1620.
Where Did England Find It? The English sailed to Cape Cod. They founded Plimoth on the inner coast of Cape Cod in Massachusetts.
Was it Successful? This colony was not successful in the beginning because over half of the people died. But, over time, Plimoth started to get successful.
Did our Colony Get Along With the Indians? This colony did not get along with the Indians because they cut off Massasoit’s son’s head. Massasoit was the chief of the Wampanoag Indians. After Massasoit’s death, the Wampanoag Indians were nearly exterminated during King Philip’s War.
The Leader William Bradford was the first governor of the Plimoth Plantation. When he died, John Carver took over Plimoth.
2 Facts At the time the Pilgrim Fathers were living in England there was only one church that was required by everyone to go to. Pilgrims wished to leave England because the English government required them to be members of the church of England. They wanted to worship in their own way. By sailing to the new world they could set up their own colony in worship as they wish.
2 Facts The Plimoth colonist’s first winter in Plimoth was very difficult. There was not enough houses built when the snow began to fall. A lot of Pilgrims stayed aboard the Mayflower through the winter. The colonists suffered from the bitter cold and lack of food, and only half survived. At their feasts they served: wild turkeys, geese, ducks, lobsters, clams, oysters and fish. They also served: cucumbers, carrots, cabbages, turnips, radishes, onions, beets, corn and wild fruits.
1 Fact The Pilgrim Monument honors the Mayflower landing at the tip of Cape Cod.
Bibliography Which Way USA Massachusetts
This presentation was prepared by: Brittany Gunning Tiffany Lockfeld Garth Lewis