William Bradford from A History of Plymouth Plantation
In your table groups… Each person needs to take a passage: 1. On the Mayflower 2. How they sought a place of habitation 3. The Mayflower Compact 4. Treaty with the Indians 5. New Governor, first marriage / First harvest / Private and Communal Farming
For your assigned section… 1. What were your first impressions of the section? What confused you? What did you understand right away? (3-4 sentences) 2. Summarize your passage. (3-4 sentences) 3. Find at least 2 religious references in your passage. Write them down and tell me why Bradford used them. 4. This is an account of history from Bradford’s perspective. Argue whether or not this was a good way to record history and the positive and negative implications of recording history in this fashion. (5-6 sentences)