Expectations, Routines, and Rules in Art and Music Class with Ms. Tracy
Expectations Students are expected to: Follow the rules and procedures of the art and music room Create/produce music and artwork to the best of their abilities Learn and have fun in the process
Routine: EVERYDAY I WILL: Come into the classroom silently Sit and stay in my assigned seat Only touch Art or Music materials when directed Be patient, listen, and follow directions
Dismissal After complete clean up I will: Be silent and put heads down Wait for Ms. Tracy to call color tables to line up Walk to the door and line up around the left side of the room Stay quietly in line, Following CHAMPS, while waiting for teacher to pick you up
Safety Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Keep chair flat on the floor Walk and carry sharp objects carefully
Respect Use quiet voices and bodies Treat others the way you would like to be treated Raise hands Listen and follow directions
Responsibility Turn in work neatly and on time Clean up after yourself Always do your best HAVE FUN!
Always Follow CHAMPS! C = Conversation (Can students talk to each other during this activity/transition?) H = Help (How can students get questions answered during this activity/transition? How do they get your attention?) A = Activity (What is the task/objective of this activity/transition? What is the expected end product?) M = Movement (Can students move about during this activity/transition? e.g., Are they allowed to get up to sharpen a pencil?) P = Participation (What does appropriate student behavior for this activity/transition look/sound like? How do students show that they are fully participating?)
Voice Levels 1—Whisper 2—Partner 3—Small Group 4—Presentation 5—Outdoor
Cline Money When Do You Give? Disobey CHAMPS or other class rules When Do You Receive? Preform outstanding work or effort Going above and beyond following CHAMPS and other classroom rules
Helpers Every first day of our three day class meets I will assign a paper passer and materials helper I will change these in order of the class roster in alphabetical order