200 The Quiz Show The PowerPoint Edition VocabularyShortcut KeysShow MeHow toMiscellaneous
100 What is slide sorter view?
200 What is the outline tab?
300 What is the status bar?
400 What does the find option do?
500 What is the task pane?
100 Name the action this shortcut performs: Ctrl+z
200 Name the action this shortcut performs: Ctrl+y
300 Name the action this shortcut performs: Ctrl+d
400 Name the action this shortcut performs: Ctrl+x
500 Name the action this shortcut performs: Ctrl+F1
100 Where is the title bar?
200 Where is the standard toolbar?
Daily Double What are the first and last names of your two teachers?
400 In the menu bar, where can you find the option to insert a movie or sound?
500 In the menu bar, where can you find the insert action buttons option?
100 How do you open a new document?
200 How do you save a document with a new name or location?
300 How do you change the color scheme of you entire presentation?
400 How do you change the background color of a slide?
500 How do you create a custom template from scratch?
100 What is your favorite color?
200 What is the full name of this building?
300 Who does BYU football play on Thursday?
Double Jeopardy Sing the first four lines of the BYU fight song.
500 Name all the members of the Quorum of the 12 and first presidency.