Electronic Engineering Dept.1 Final Year Project - Progress Presentation Wifi Controlled Robotics Mark Heneghan This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
Electronic Engineering Dept.2 Status Summary The project is slightly behind schedule but I am working hard to catch up again. Project to be completed by March 21 st. The end goal is to have created a robotic vehicle, which can be controlled via Wifi using Gumstix, over the internet using a webpage.
Electronic Engineering Dept.3 Progress Have created, tested and fitted power supplies to Robot. Have created opto-isolator circuits to protect hardware when using gpio. Have made mechanical adjustments to robot, to allow it run smoother. Written Python code to implement basic control of robot. Have researched ways of communicating with the robot using the internet.
Electronic Engineering Dept.4 Attention Areas Broken Gumstix – Connex 400 –Irreparable – awaiting replacement. –Voltage Regulator blown. Other Issues –Small delay with Wifistix due to the Mac address of wifistix not being registered with NUI Galway Network –Unable to use laptop for a while due to broken screen, which slowed progress.
Electronic Engineering Dept.5 Schedule Once new Gumstix received, code may be downloaded and field trials of robot can be done – Next Week. Work on controlling via webpage, currently researching – Next Month. Start work on add-ons, such as sensors for obstacle detection, and possibly a camera for live streaming of robot - Early March.
Electronic Engineering Dept.6 Resources Would like to thank, Technicians; Myles, Shaun and Martin and my project supervisor Fergal O’Malley for their help with technical issues. Would also like to thank Frank Callaly for his Help with using Linux and the Gumstix. Other useful resources have been the Gumstix online forum, Gumstix Support online and The O’Reilly Series of Python books.
Electronic Engineering Dept.7 Personal Goals To Work consistently and avail of the lab when I have any free time. To cover all possible issues so as to avoid serious problems down the line. To keep my supervisor updated, and to update my project webpage regularly.
Electronic Engineering Dept.8 Thank You Any Questions??