ECSE436 Tutorial HWI Laurier Boulianne
L. Boulianne Questions
L. Boulianne Outline Polling vs Hardware Interrupts Interrupts Implement Interrupts on the C6713 Assignments
L. Boulianne POLLING vs HWI 2 ways to get information in and out Polling Hardware Interrupts HWI is more efficient
L. Boulianne Hardware Interrupts
L. Boulianne Hardware Interrupts
L. Boulianne Hardware Interrupts
L. Boulianne Interrupt Handler Create a project as usual, make sure to create a DSP/BIOS configuration file In order to enable interrupts, we need to do a few changes in the configuration file (.cdb).
L. Boulianne Interrupt Handler First, in the configuration manager, expand the scheduling folder Right-click on the “TSK - Task Manager” item, select “Properties”, and ensure that the Task Manager is NOT enabled
L. Boulianne Interrupt Handler Expand the “HWI - Hardware Interrupt...” item, and select any of the interrupts from HWI INT4 to 15. Right-click on it, select properties.
L. Boulianne Interrupt Handler Change the “Interrupt Source” to “MCSP 1 Receive”, and the “function” to the name of your interrupt handling routine, preceded by an underscore
L. Boulianne Interrupt Handler Still in properties, select the “Dispatcher” tab, and enable it. Leave the other values unchanged.
L. Boulianne Changes in your C code In your main function, after all other initializations are done (DSK6713 init(), AIC23 configs, etc.), write IRQ_enable(IRQ_EVT_RINT1); IRQ_globalEnable();
L. Boulianne Changes in your C code Finally, write your ISR. Do not forget to use the name that you entered in the configuration manager (minus the underscore) void myHandler(void) {...your code... }
L. Boulianne Double Buffering Remember that you need some way to process the data without it being overwritten with new data, so you need to implement some sort of double-buffering scheme B A Write Data Process Data
L. Boulianne Questions
L. Boulianne Assignments Read C6713 One-day Workshop from TI (chapter 2) (WebCT) Redo exercise given in the handout, but this time handle the I/O with interrupts instead of polling