PPT2.01 OBJECTIVES: Resize, move, and align text & graphics Add & modify a design template Change the layout of existing slides Insert and resize pictures and clip-art Insert a table into a slide Draw and manipulate a simple graphic
PPT2.01 Importing a Word Outline Position yourself where you want the new slides added from an outline Click Insert, Slides from Outline Locate the word file on the disk, select it and then click the Insert button Click the Slide Layout Button Click the layout you desire
PPT2.01 Formatting the Presentation To change the design template –Double click the design template indicator –Click the template file –Click the Apply button To modify the title and slide master –Click view, title Master –Press Delete key and retype the new title
PPT2.01 Resizing Text Boxes Select the title text box of the slide master Drag the resize handlers to desired place To insert a picture into a slide –Click Insert, point to the picture and then click From File to display the dialog box –Select the desired picture and then click the Insert button –Move and resize the picture as desired
PPT2.01 Using Graphics Effectively Graphics present information visually Graphics add interest and motivation Graphics communicate relationships quickly Graphics increase understanding and retention of information After all, “A picture is worth a thousand words!”
PPT2.01 Aligning Objects: Select the logo, press and hold the shift key, so that resize handlers appear Click the Draw list arrow on the drawing toolbar, point to Align or Distribute, then click Align Middle Click any blank area to deselect the objects
PPT2.01 Inserting and Editing Clip-Art Click Slide Layout with description Text & Clip Art Click the Pictures Tab Scroll category and select any object Click Insert clip button To animate the image, click Slide Show, Custom Animation Click Preview, Click OK and save
PPT2.01 Creating a Table in a Slide Change the slide layout to the desired table setting Double-click the table placeholder Specify the desired table size Modify the borders as desired Add information to the cells Click on a blank area to exit table mode
PPT2.01 Creating and Manipulating a Shape Go to any slide and change the layout to Title only Click the AutoShapes list arrow and point to Basic shapes Select the desired AutoShape and hold down the Shift key Drag and release the mouse button in the desired position
PPT2.01 Rotating an Object: Click the Draw list arrow and point to Rotate or Flip and then click the Flip Vertical button Click a blank region to deselect To add text, click the Text Box button on the drawing toolbar Type the text
PPT2.01 Rotating a Text Box: Click the Free Rotate button on the Drawing Toolbar Press and hold the shift key and then the mouse button Rotate to the desired position Click Tools, Spelling Click Slide Show and edit slides where necessary
PPT2.01 Printing the Presentation and Exiting PowerPoint Click File, Click Print, select Handouts and then set the Slides per Page to 6 Make sure the Grayscale check box is selected Click the OK Button After printing is complete, Click the Close Button in the PowerPoint Window
PPT2.01 “That’s all folks !”