March 10, 2015
Review for Photoshop Certification Exam. Ojective
cs6/#playlist/getting-started-with-photoshop-cs6/ cs6/#playlist/getting-started-with-photoshop-cs6/ What is Photoshop CS6 Video The Photoshop workspace Video What is Photoshop?
Photoshop CS6 Screen Can you name the parts of the screen? What do they do?
You can create and manipulate your documents and files using various elements, such as: Panels Bars Windows Any arrangement of these elements is called a workspace. Workspace Overview
The application bar : Located across the top Contains a workspace switcher, menus (Windows only), and other application controls. The tools panel : Is used for creating and editing images, artwork, page elements. Related tools are grouped. Parts of the screen:
The Options bar Control panel : Displays options for currently selected tool. The Document Window : Displays the file you’re working on. Document windows can be tabbed and, in certain cases, grouped and docked. Panels : Help you monitor and modify your work. The Application frame : Groups all the workspace elements in a single, integrated window that lets you treat the application as a single unit. Parts of the screen:
A. Tabbed Document windows B. Application bar C. Workspace switcher D. Panel title bar E. Control panel F. Tools panel G. Collapse To Icons button H. Four panel groups in vertical dock So let’s name the parts!
Are the application bar, options bar, tools panel and the panel docs. What are the main parts of Adobe Photoshop?
On the right hand side of Photoshop. Where are the Panels/Palettes?
On the left had side of Photoshop. Where are the tools located?
At the bottom left corner of your document window. Where is the Document Size and Zoom located?
The application bar contains controls for managing and editing files. What is the Application bar?
The workspace is located at the far right corner of Photoshop. What is the Workspace?
File => Open and choose your file. How do you open a document?
Image => Image size How do you scale an image to print?
Select => Color Range Where do you find fuzziness?
View => Rulers How do you display the guides?
Questions 11-20! Look at your worksheet. Due before you leave! For Today: