TODAY IN GEOMETRY… Warm Up: Simplifying Radicals STATs for Ch. 6 Quiz Learning Target : 7.3 Use properties of special right triangles to solve for missing sides Independent Practice EXIT TASK
HOW DID YOU “SHAPE” UP?? Results for ALL of my Geometry classes: GRADE NUMBER OF STUDENTS WHO TOOK THE CH.6 QUIZ (24pts) 3 RD PERIOD4 TH PERIOD5 TH PERIODTOTAL A/A B+/B/B C+/C/C D+/D3249 F97420 Average
PRACTICE: Find the value of x. Write your answer in simplest radical form.
PRACTICE: Find the value of x. Write your answer in the simplest radical form.
PRACTICE: Find the value of x. Write your answer in simplest radical form. Rationalize the denominator
PRACTICE: Find the value of x and y. Write your answer in simplest radical form. *We’re given the shorter leg first, we can start with any of the two equations for triangles!
PRACTICE: Find the value of x and y. Write your answer in simplest radical form. *We’re given the hypotenuse first, we can start with the first equation for triangles!
PRACTICE: Find the value of x and y. Write your answer in simplest radical form. *We’re given the shorter leg first, we can start with any of the two equations for triangles!
HOMEWORK #3: Pg. 461: 3-18 If finished, work on other assignments: HW #1: Pg. 436: 3-29 odd HW #2: Pg. 444; 1-6, 8, 10, 12
EXIT TASK: Find the value of x, y and z. Write your answer in simplest radical form.