Madhu Sudan Sharma Senior Project Coordinator CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research and Training (CUTS CART) ‘Setting up a Public Procurement Observatory in Rajasthan’ Dissemination cum Training of Stakeholders’ on Public Procurement Experiences, RTPP Act, Rules and Way Forwards Date: Monday: November 30, 2015 Venue: IGPRS, J.L.N. Marg, Jaipur
CUTS is a leading Indian origin, international consumer organisation, established in 1983 and headquartered in Jaipur. CUTS’ Vision: Consumer sovereignty in the framework of social justice and economic equality, within and across borders. (Scope is so wider) CIRC, New Delhi is a sister concern of CUTS International. CUTS CART: Brief Introduction: Consumer Protection & Good Governance are two key programmatic area. Work for promoting transparency & accountability. CUTS CART has worked intensively in almost all the districts of Rajasthan. And also in various states of India and Asian Countries. In the series of various Good Governance interventions since 2002, ‘ProOb’ is an opportunity to work in the field of Public Procurement by the Centre along with other centres especially CITEE and CIRC (4 to 5 years from now) Approach: RAN (Research, advocacy and Networking) Works in close collaboration with Central, State and Local Govts. Details can be seen at:
Project Name: ‘Setting up a Public Procurement Observatory in Rajasthan (ProOb)’. Partners: CIRC, New Delhi and The World Bank, New Delhi Duration: Nov to Nov Purpose of the Observatory: Monitor the Act, policies, rules and practices in the state and actual implementation of the same. Collection and analyses of public procurement related quantitative/quantitative data (including contract implementation). Share the findings of the mentioned analyses and its outcome with relevant stakeholders including State Govt. Departments through workshop, seminars, website and other means like publications. Facilitate public access to information and happenings of current procurement processes and practices, in order to ensure transparency. Creating web portal. Enable learnings from past experiences and good practices and provide guidance for future reforms and innovations. Consequently, making procurement process cost effective by advocating better practices for process improvement. Producing knowledge products.
Phase-1 (Preparatory) Literature review and analysis of state public procurement framework, regulations/policies and practices. Setting up and launch of the website ( Developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Phase-2 (Observatory work and Analysis) Observing the procurement processes and actual status of implementation in PWD and RMSC. Report submission to the concerned departments and advocate for action. Phase-3 (Observatory work and Analysis) Observing the procurement processes and actual status of implementation in Electricity Companies, PHED, home department, Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation. Report submission to the concerned departments and advocate for action.
ProOb Website snapshot
Transparency Standards 1 Disclosure of NIT/NIBs with quantity and rates at its departmental Website (and SPPP and others), 2 Bidders participation, 3 Award of Contract information and 4 Time taken in the procurement 5 Disclosure of the increase in the quantity of the procuring material after publishing NIB/NIT 6 Disclosure of grievance redressal results (related to the public procurement) on the web portal
Observations: Phase-II
Transparency standards in Electricity Companies YearRRVUNL/AoCRRVPNL/AoCJVVNL/AoC /19438/ /26316/ /01552/7002/Zero Important: * RR Vidyut Vitran Nigam uploaded almost 50% of AoCs in but next year reduced drastically. * By JVVNL, there is no AoC has been published on SPPP yet and it appeared first time on SPPP this year only.
Transparency standards in Chief Engineer (Special Projects), PHED Rajasthan Year Total Tenders on SPPPAoC on SPPP * No information at all on Bidders participation, * Time taken in the procurement process * No Disclosure of the increase in the quantity of the procuring material after publishing NIB/NIT * No disclosure of grievance redressal results (related to the public procurement) on the web portal * Award of Contract information is very minimal
Transparency standards in Home Department (Jail & Prosecution ) * No information at all on Bidders participation and Time taken in the procurement process * No Disclosure of the increase in the quantity of the procuring material after publishing NIB/NIT * No disclosure of grievance redressal results (related to the public procurement) on the web portal * Award of Contract information is very minimal Jail: YearTotal TendersAoC Prosecution: YearTotal TendersAoC
Transparency standards in IGPR&GVS, Jaipur YearTotal TendersAoC
Transparency standards in Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation YearTotal TendersAoC
Common Man Awareness cum Perception Survey about Public Procurement Framework in Rajasthan: Key Findings
Awareness about the RTPP Act, 2012 and RTPP Rules, 2013
Awareness about SPPP portal and related details
Awareness about Nodal Department, SPFC and complaints to be made at
Awareness about Complaint Redressal System (CRS) related to Pub. Proc.
Recommendations based on General Observations
CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research and Training (CUTS CART) D-218, Bhaskar Marg, Bani Park Jaipur , Rajasthan, India Ph: Fax: Web: