Security in International Relations Prepared for Junior Int'l Politics class at NENU, Fall 2015
Assumptions: State Security under Anarchy Do states want survival, security, or power?
Survival: Ability to Defend against Existential Threat Mearshimer's Offensive Realism: Existential threat is constant & present everywhere. What states face existential threat? When do states disappear? “Buffer” states Weak states with strong enemies nearby Internal collapse World & regional wars Do the above conditions describe the current global situation?
States Are “Security-Seekers”? Survival & Lack of Major Threats Minimize “sensitivity” to threats Eliminate ALL “vulnerability” Military Security (National Defense) Energy Security
International Security & “The Security Dilemma” How can states know whether military build-up is for defensive or offensive purposes? The Security Dilemma: Your attempt to increase your security by building your military makes me feel less secure. If unchecked, the Security Dilemma can lead to an “Arms Race” State security as a “Zero-Sum Game” A “+win+” for me is a “-loss-” for you A “+win+” for you is a “-loss-” for me 1 – 1 = 0! Goal of Int'l Security Institutions: Build trust & make security a “Positive-Sum Game” (Our actions make each other more secure.)
States Are “Power-Seekers”? Realism : The best (or only) way to be secure is to be powerful. Seek security through power. Power in IR = Money in Economics Under anarchy, pursue “self-help” via military power Form alliances to create a stable “balance of power” Try to become a (regional or global) hegemon Liberalism, Idealism, Constructivism, “Social” Theories, Etc.: “Collective Security” is possible & preferable to endless power competition & warfare. A universal organization (global institution) to which both the aggressor and its opponents belong can manage global conflict and provide security for all.
Alternative Conceptions of Security “Human Security”: State provides basic human rights & enjoys high domestic legitimacy Prosperity: States promote “human flourishing” Today we can have both “butter” and “guns” “Ontological Security”: Being secure in one's identity in the “international community.”