A2: Types Of Hazards Grade 7
Margin Question Have you seen warning labels on the back of trucks? What do they say? Write down three. Warning, Stay Back, Flammable, Inflammable Caution, Hazardous, Dangerous, Toxic Biohazard, Corrosive, Acid, Explosive Wide Turns, Deadly, Radioactive
Text: Background Hazardous materials like the barrel in the last activity are transported throughout the U.S. Substances are hazardous in many different ways, so we must prepare for all the dangers. Whenever they are shipped in large volumes, they must be labeled according to their class of hazard as required by the U.S. Department Of Transportation (DOT).
Hypothesis Write an “IF…, THEN…” statement about properly labeling hazardous materials. If hazardous materials are labeled properly, then people can act responsibly and safely. If hazardous materials are not labeled properly, then living things may be in danger.
Challenge Question What types of hazards do certain substances pose? There are three main Hazard categories: Flammable Corrosive/Reactive Toxic
Vocabulary Corrosive: Flammable: Toxic: Capable of causing rust, destruction, or harm. Flammable: Easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly. Toxic: Poisonous, sometimes deadly
Procedure: Data Table On a blank page draw two lines straight down. Write these 3 terms as the column headings: Chemical Name, Hazard Class, and Precautions Get 6 data cards and sort them by their hazard class (either Toxic, Corrosive, Flammable, None, or possibly a combination of 2 classes). Analyze precautions and put in column 3. Get 6 different cards and repeat steps above.
Procedure: Venn Diagram On a blank page draw a 3 circle Venn Diagram. Make sure each circle overlaps the other two. Name the circles by their Hazard Class. Name the top circle Flammable, and the two bottom circles are named Corrosive and Toxic. Look at your Data Table. Write the Chemical Names into their appropriate Hazard Classes, some in the circles and some in the overlaps.
A2 Analysis Questions page A9 #1-4 On separate paper put Title, Name, Hour, Date, and each question, then answer in 1 paragraph. Name all chemicals in multiple hazard classes Detail precautions for potassium hydroxide. Explain which chemicals are the worst hazards to the health of humans and animals. Explain hazard class(es) for sodium borate?