Aim To recap Mise-en-Scene To practise note taking skills in preparation for a timed assessment
Mise-en-Scene - recap What is a definition of mise en scene? What things are covered by mise en scene? What is meant by connotation and denotation, can you provide an example? What is the difference between high key and low key lighting?
Audience Meaning - Technical Aspects linking to representation Watch this clip from “Yasmin” (2004) and aim to identify how the mise-en-scene creates meaning for the audience. What can you say about each of the following: Locations / Props / Costume, hair and make up / Lighting / Use of colour / character position How does the mise-en-scene work together to build up a picture of Yasmin’s life and representation? Compare notes
Yasmin (2004) In Yorkshire, Yasmin lives two lives in two different worlds: in her community, she wears Muslim clothes, cooks for her father and brother and has the traditional behaviour of a Muslim woman. Further, she has a non- consumed marriage with the illegal immigrant Faysal to facilitate the British stamp in his passport, and then divorce him. In her job, she changes her clothes and dresses like a Westerner, is considered a standard employee and has a good white British friend who likes her. After the September 11 th attacks the prejudice in her job and the treatment of common people makes her take sides and change her life.
The Exam In the exam you will be writing about 4 different technical aspects and how they create meaning around the issue of representation You will watch a clip 4 times making notes on what you see from the 2 nd viewing onwards You will then be required to write an essay based on these notes for 45 minutes
Note taking - Tips One of the key skills you will need to develop is the ability to take notes based on all of the technical aspects and then use these to write an essay. Tips: split your page into Cinematography and Mise en scene Within Cinematography, split your page into AMPS Within Mise en scene, split it into Locations / Props / Costume, hair and make up / Lighting / Use of colour / character position Always consider connotations with mise en scene Always make notes on the audience meaning which should then link to representational issues
Practice Watch this extract from Jekyll 4 times, the first time take on board what is happening, then from the 2 nd viewing onwards take notes based on this question: “In what ways do the cinematography and mise en scene used in this clip create meaning for the viewer?” Discuss your notes with you partner, do they have anything that you have missed? Now use your notes to plan an answer for the question. How would you start? Finish? How would you set it out?