W ORD W ALL W ORDS 1 st 6-weeks
A PHORISM A succinct statement expressing an opinion.
PERCEPTION A mental concept or point of view.
SCENARIO An outline, a brief account, or synopsis of events.
M ISE EN SCENE The composition, or setting, of an image.
C RITICAL LENSES A way of judging or analyzing a work of literature.
L ITERARY THEORY Attempts to establish principles for interpreting and evaluating literary texts.
F REE VERSE Poetry without a fixed pattern of meter and rhyme.
F IXED FORM Poetry in which the length and pattern are determined by established usage or tradition.
S YMBOL Something that stands for something else.
S YMBOLIC REPRESENTATION Makes use of symbols to represent an idea or concept.
I MAGERY The verbal expression of sensory experience.
S ENSORY DETAILS Details that appeal to or evoke one or more of the five senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste.
L OOPING The step after you free write to expand on your writing.
P ROLOGUE The introduction or preface to a literary work.
V IGNETTE A brief visual or written descriptive literary sketch.
T HESIS The main idea or point of an essay or article.