1 Update on tt-bar signal and background simulation Stan Bentvelsen
P 2 Resume of last meeting Matching NLO calculations of QCD process with parton shower MC simulation Fully exclusive events generated Hard emissions treated as in NLO Soft emissions handled by MC shower (Herwig) No ‘double counting’ between these two Running in ATLAS: Create event file using ‘runNLO’ program (extern) Contains kinematic of hard NLO process Interface to Herwig via McAtNLO_i
P 3 Resume: Weights Weights: ±w ‘unweighted’ events, up to a sign! (practically weight ±1) Efficient event generation possible NLO distributions (without MC showering) are non- physical 86.5%13.5% tt production cross section MCatNLO:842 pb HERWIG: 458 pb PYTHIA:490 pb (nb: no consistent pdf’s!) ‘standard’ tt production process -1706
P 4 Resume: Comparison to LO generators All distributions normalised to 1 Pt(tt system) Herwig & MCatNLO agree at low Pt, At large Pt MCatNLO ‘harder’ PYTHIA completely off Same distribution on linear scale
P 5 AlpGen ‘hard multiparton’ generator Many hard processes – with extra n-jets (‘light jets’) E.g.: tt+n-jets, W+n-jets Exact (LO) matrix element Alpgen generates file with hard scattering To be fed into Herwig/Pythia shower MC’s Problems: (AlpGen v1.3 & Herwig_i ) Compiler optimization problems on Linux gcc 3.2 Works fine under gcc 2.96; subtle problem! Solution: -Compiler optimization flag change to –O (was –O2) -Use f90 version of the generator Interface in Herwig not comply to Alpgen V1.3 On list t.b.d. for next release (do not know actual status) Private version working
P 6 Alpgen: tt+1jet Inputs M top =175 1 extra light jet Jet: P t >10, | | 0.4 Initial grid 3 * Events: Produced 60 samples Production Un-weighting to single lepton (e, , ) decay Effective : 293 pb events generated ( efficiency) 18.1% (351000) events pass first selection E T miss >20 GeV, lepton (e, ) P t >20 and >=4 jets P t >40
P 7 AlpGen tt+1-jet production tt-system alpgen affected by extra gluon Previously problems, now solved! Histograms normalized to unity Extra jet: Pt-min = 10 GeV |η| < 2.5 R>0.4 Alpgen looks ok!
P 8 Top mass reconstruction Simple kinematic reconstruction First selection: Event E T miss >20 GeV 1 lepton (e, ) with p T >20 GeV At least 4 jets (cone size R=0.4) with | | 40 GeV Reconstructed W: |W(reco)-W(true)|<20 GeV 1. 1 b-tagged jet: Opening angle (b,W) < (b,l) 2. 2 b-tagged jets: Combination with maximum resulting Pt for top 3. ‘Commissioning’ (i.e. no b-tag): Exactly 4 jets
P 9 Reconstructed top mass Changes wrt Herwig (selection wrt previous)
P 10 Pt tt-bar system in Pythia Suggestion by Sjöstrand: Increase ISR phase space for Pythia generator Set process scale Q 2 =s MSTP(32) = 10 Raise maximum scale of initial shower to s MSTP(68) = 2 (default: maximum scale upto Q 2 ) Do not use cone restrictions from ISR to top quarks MSTP(67) = 0 Events generated; results not yet shown to author. Equiv. upto s ?
P 11 Pt tt-bar system in Pythia Various pythia options Pythia0: All 3 options set Pythia1: MSTP(32) = 10 Pythia2: MSTP(68) = 2 Pythia3: MSTP(67) = 0 Pythia ‘overshoot’ hard Pt spectrum by opening phase space Cone restriction little effect by itself None of the Pythia options describe the hard Pt spectrum as in Herwig or (n.b: NLO ME calculations coincide at high Pt with
P 12 Pt tt-bar system in Pythia Changes wrt Standard pythia (selection wrt previous) ~20% variation
P 13 Top mass with pythia Large differences in Pt spectrum for various Pythia settings Upto 20% difference in final selection efficiencies Effect on resulting top mass less dramatic Does these settings have consequences for other processes in Pythia? Need to get opinion of Sjöstrand No final conclusion on this yet
P 14 W+jets background Most important background: W+n jets Leptonic decay of W, and n=4 extra jets In Pythia only relevant process: qq’ W (+q(g) ) No ‘hard’ matrix element for 4 extra jets I.e.: 3 or 4 extra jets need to be generated by Fragmentation Decays Detector response Reconstruction has NLO qq’ W+X No ‘hard’ matrix element for 4 extra jets Generated 350k events, only 1 event passed first selection lepton (e, ) P t >20 and >=4 jets P t >40 Alpgen does have ‘hard’ matrix element for 4 extra jets Very unlikely and no reliable rate nor distributions
P 15 NIKHEF data processing facility Due to small generation efficiencies in Alpgen: Use local NIKHEF LCG grid Currently 30% of total LCG grid This will change soon Total 240 CPU’s Mix of PIII: 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 and 2.6 GHz machines AlpGen jobs running!
P 16 NIKHEF data processing facility For alpgen event generation (+Atlfast): Many tries to debug ‘job submission’ Taking advantage of ‘empty farm’ Total submitted jobs: 2303 Total GHzHrs (equivalent hours on 1 GHz machine): (!) Large fraction of ‘playing around’ as well…
P 17 Alpgen: W+4jets Main use of background production Inputs W+4 extra light jets Jet: P t >10, | | 0.3 No lepton cuts Initial grid: *3 Events: 150·10 6 Jobs: 198 Production: Un-weighting to W lepton (e, , ) decay Effective : 4390 pb events generated ( efficiency) 2.57% (2784) events pass first selection E T miss >20 GeV, lepton (e, ) P t >20 and >=4 jets P t >40
P 18 Alpgen: W+4jets (2) Main use of background production Inputs W+4 extra light jets Jet: P t >10, | | 0.4 No lepton cuts Initial grid: *3 Events: 150·10 6 Jobs: 98 Lower maximum weight by factor 10 (?? Can I do this??) Un-weighting to W lepton (e, , ) decay Effective : 2430 pb events generated ( efficiency) 3.41% (13002) events pass first selection E T miss >20 GeV, lepton (e, ) P t >20 and >=4 jets P t >40
P 19 Alpgen: W+4jets (3) Main use of background production Inputs W+4 extra light jets Jets: P t >10, | | 0.4 Lepton: P t >30, | | 30. Initial grid: *3 Events: 200·10 6 Jobs: 100 Lower maximum weight by factor 10 (?? Can I do this??) Un-weighting to W lepton (e, , ) decay Effective : 106 pb events generated ( efficiency) 25.8% (10264) events pass first selection E T miss >20 GeV, lepton (e, ) P t >20 and >=4 jets P t >40 Chosen too large for fair comparison with other data sets Data set still included in next plots just for comparison
P 20 AlpGen W+4jet comparisons All histograms normalized to unity
P 21 Reconstructed top mass Normalized according to same luminosity Large difference of Alpgen3 due to hard lepton, Pt>30 Difference Alpgen1 and Alpgen2 only from and R Some more work needed to check these statements. E.g. make harder cuts on parton level data sets 1 and 2 to see if coincides exactly with data set 3
P 22 Top signal + background Luminosity: 10 pb -1 signal Alpgen1 sample Luminosity: 150 pb -1 signal Alpgen2 sample
P 23 Top signal + background Requiring 1 b-tag, 150 pb -1 : No mis-tag rate included…
P 24 Request for DC2 (proposal) Use for commissioning studies Initial detector layout Signal tt-bar events: 1 fb -1 (10%) 2 event generators events (eff slightly less due to w<0) Pythia830k events (i.e. NLO normalisation!) Full decay modes W’s Background events: 200 pb -1 Alpgen, according to Alpgen1 sample Alpgen W+4jet600k events Only leptonic decays of W (e, )