Redefining the ‘D’ word: What goes on in the mind of CEO’s when we use the D Word? Gail Symons, Global Director, People and Culture
From this to this ‘ Its quicker for me to start a new business than for HR to fix this’ ‘I get it, don’t bash me up over this, tell me what to do’ ‘This diversity thing. Its really about women isn't it?’ ‘This issue of women leaders.. how will HR help? They are process people’ What is HE thinking and saying? ‘The Indigenous programme has brought the Qantas group national recognition and credibility’ ‘I hope to work…where once again a real difference can be made’ ‘Business acumen, knowledge of corporate operations and a wiliness to challenge structures and attitudes is what enabled this’ ‘I am a full supporter because I had no idea it was this hard for women to succeed’
Personal My Legacy Paying up or paying forward My child Brand and Commercial value Tangible increase in organisational performance Potential Sustainability through innovation: doing things differently Cut through: Connecting to the Why 3 ways So How???
4 Because we were born female, and because we live in Australia, We will be AUD$1 million poorer at retirement than our brothers, husbands and male colleagues we will get 18.2% less for doing the same job as our colleagues, we will have a 9% chance of getting a Board, CEO or Exec job in corporate Australia and we will likely take 50% longer than our male colleagues to become a CEO. Matilda & Phoebe, Josh’s daughters Maddie, Rob’s daughter Ruby & Bella, Darren’s daughters Emily & Georgia, Mike’s daughters Lauren, Chris’ daughter Caitlin, Temogen’s daughter Milla & Lilly, Anthony’s daughters Source: Untapped opportunity: the role of women in unlocking Australia’s productivity potential July 2014 EY and HBR, 7 Nov All photographs shown with the consent of the girl and their parent.
5 Emma Watson at UN launch of ‘He for She’ gender equality campaign, 2014 “If not me, who? If not now, when?”
Outcome? Sales and Retail Transformation teams: 50-60% of leadership are women, a lift from 20%. We insisted on women candidates in all executive recruitment, including logistics, operations and areas the recruiter told us women could not be ‘found’
Acknowledgement of country on flights: increased customer satisfaction rates Brand and Commercial Value Outcome? Indigenous Cadet Pilot programme : flying elders to The Apology : Award for RAP
Potential and Innovation Outcome? The most significant economic potential of our time? Not a Country or a region - Its Women ( Claudio Fernandez-Araoz ‘its not the what or the How but the Who) Freight pricing policy: warm water on Asian flights: Pay super while women are on Mat leave Why doesn't Jurlique have more Product for males?
9 Cut through: starting from where we are and getting to bold ‘interrupters’ Finding the Why, Connecting it to the How and getting impact through bold actions