Wicked overthrow people with their wickedness Pr. 29:4 man takes bribes, overthrows land 1 Cor. 15:33 bad company corrupts good morals Rom. 12:21 overthrow wickedness with good
Wicked overthrow people with their wickedness Wicked are ensnarled by their wickedness Pr. 29:6 evil man ensnared by transgressions Rom. 6:6, slaves of sin
Wicked overthrow people with their wickedness Wicked are ensnarled by their wickedness Give into wickedness, encourage others.... Pr. 29:12 ruler pays attention to falsehood.... If we give into wickedness Rev. 21:8 eternity in hell 1 Cor. 5:1-11 corrupt church, unless.... Eph. 5-6 destroy family 1 Cor. 15:33 corrupt companions
Wicked overthrow people with their wickedness Wicked are ensnarled by their wickedness Give into wickedness, encourage others.... Positively impact people with truth Pr. 29:14 if king judges the poor with truth.... Eph. 4:14-16 speak truth in love, build up others
Wicked overthrow people with their wickedness Wicked are ensnarled by their wickedness Give into wickedness, encourage others.... Positively impact people with truth The more wicked people are involved.... Pr. 29:16 wickedness increases, transgressions increase