The Importance of Rights Kurt Van Deren What have we learned?
The first ten amendments to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was introduced in the first United States Congress in 1789 by James Madison. The Bill of Rights took effect on December 15, 1791, after being approved by three- fourths of the States. Kurt Van Deren
What rights does the Bill of Rights protect? (1) Congress will make no law establishing or prohibiting a religion, or preventing free speech, freedom of the press, or free assembly. (2) Recognizing the need for a well-armed militia, you have the right to keep and bear arms. (3) You have the right to refuse to allow soldiers to stay in your home unless instructed to do so during war time. (4) You have the right not to be searched unreasonably, and warrants must only be issued based on probable cause. (5) You can’t be tried for a serious crime without being charged by a Grand Jury, you can’t be tried twice for the same crime, and the government can’t take your property without due process of law. Kurt Van Deren
What rights does the Bill of Rights protect? (6) In criminal cases, you have the right to a speedy trial in front of an impartial jury, to be told of the charges you face, and to be represented by an attorney. (7) You have the right to a jury in certain civil cases (cases involving disagreements between two people, instead of cases involving crimes). (8) You can’t be required to pay too much bail or be subject to cruel and unusual punishment for a crime. (9) You have other rights, besides those listed in the Constitution. (10) The powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution are left to the States and to individuals. Kurt Van Deren