10.45 Focus Teaching Assistant Standards, a continuum 1
2 Teaching Assistants with Effective Practice: This TA is effective and reflective and supports the whole school. They have both the ability and the inclination to improve even further. They know the principles of DAQM and SDL and are developing their practice. o Good planning with teachers to support the deepening of students’ skills, knowledge and understanding. o Good support strategies, rooted in DAQM and SDL principles, are in place in the majority of lessons ensuring activities are matched to pupils’ needs including the least and most able. o Time, resources and planning are often used well. o High expectations are demonstrated for all ability groups. o Appropriate support interventions are showing a positive impact on learning. o Effective and well-planned support on Maths and English skills across all subjects o Pupils are increasingly taking responsibility for their own work and work mostly independently. o Strategies to promote positive behaviour in and out of the classrooms are used o Supporting the inclusion of the children and young people in their learning activities in all lessons o Attitudes to self and others contribute to a positive learning experience for the majority of students. o Social, Moral, Spiritual and Citizenship and Wellbeing is actively promoted in classrooms o Progress is discussed with teachers and assessed regularly and accurately. o TA listens to, carefully observes and can show skilful questioning skills to reshape tasks & explanations to improve learning o Appropriate self-study matches the majority of pupils’ LS needs o Pupils know how well they are doing and how to improve. Feedback is regular, supports improvement and is based on positive dialogue. o Pupils make good progress and achieve independency over time. o Pupils learn well when supported. They acquire knowledge and develop understanding well. o Pupils are interested and engaged. Attitudes to learning are consistently positive. o The lesson ‘flows smoothly’ o Behaviour is managed well. o Pupils are safe and understand how to keep themselves safe. o Communicates appropriately with LSCo, senior leadership, children, young people, colleagues, parents and carers o TA standards are being met and there is a plan in place for continued improvement. o Makes a wider contribution to whole school events, DAQM, SDL projects and CPD. o Ensures that the principles and the ethos of Focus schools are adhered to and shared. o Demonstrates positive attitudes towards the school vision and plans for school improvements with plans to contribute to this vision.
Reflective Teaching Assistants making sustained improvements with support This TA is willing to accept support to improve further and is becoming more self- reflective. Whilst not yet having wholly effective practice there are significant areas of strength. Whilst there is a willingness to engage in DAQM and SDL principles, support is needed to help develop practice. o Adequate planning with teachers show evidence of appropriate knowledge and expectations but does not develop all pupils’ knowledge and understanding and skills. o Support in DAQM and SDL is mostly appropriate, but does not meet the needs of all LS students. o Opportunities are missed in planning, preparation, in time use and resourcing. o Expectations are high enough for sustained reasonable progress to be made. o Support for English and Maths skills is provided inconsistently. o Interventions not always timely or consistent in meeting individual learning support needs. o Social, Moral, Spiritual and Citizenship and Wellbeing are occasionally promoted. o Typically pupils’ rely on TA for direction and support, independent learning is not embedded. o There can be some tolerance for some low level disturbance which affects both learning and the climate in school/class. o Planning with teacher is not continuous or effective. o Support is monitored in the lesson but plans to adapt support are is not always timely or well- judged. o Appropriate self-study matches some pupils’ needs. o Support can be inconsistent. Some pupils do not know how well they have done and/or how to improve. o Progress is not in line with support and intervention applied. o A few pupils do not learn well but are fully dependant on TA support. o Some off-task behaviour, but TA can contribute in addressing these. o Clear procedures for managing behaviour, but not always used consistently. Supported pupils respond to the TA. o Pupils are safe. They know the major risks they face and reflect this in their behaviour. o Evidence of responsibility as ‘another adult’ in the classroom is not yet robust but there is a plan in place to reflect and improve. o Makes a contribution to whole school events and projects when asked. o Works collaboratively with LSCO and LS team but lacks enthusiasm o Is rarely involved in, or supportive of the sharing of good LS practice between staff. o May not always understand or uphold the principles and ethos of Focus Schools, including DAQM and SDL. o TA Standards are met on the whole but there may be limited evidence of a plan for improvement. o Do not positively support the OneSchool vision by following plans for school improvements.
Teaching Assistants Requiring significant Intervention and Support: Typically this TA is not effective in a number of areas which may include practices to support DAQM and SDL. With support, a positive attitude and increased performance this TA should move up the continuum. o Planning with teachers fails to take sufficient account of all pupils’ needs. o Activities are not sufficiently supported to pupils’ needs. o Time is wasted by standing in the classroom without a clear objective to support some or all pupils. o Learning support resources do not support learning. o Expectations are not high enough and therefore progress is limited. o Additional support and intervention have little or no impact on learning failing to narrow gaps. o English and Maths skills are not supported as well as they should. o Social, Moral, Spiritual and Citizenship and Wellbeing opportunities are ignored or overlooked. o TA focuses on doing the work for the pupil as a result pupils’ rely too heavily on the TA support. o Respect and kindness is not modelled appropriately and lack of it affects learning support and individuals. o Support strategies are not used effectively to help pupils to improve. o Self-study does not contribute to better support in learning. o Pupils are rarely, if at all, informed about progress. Many do not know how to improve. Support is minimal, inappropriate or unhelpful. o The majority of the pupils are making inadequate progress as a result of weak learning support over time. o Learning support is limited and narrow and shows lack of understanding of pupil’s needs o Learning Support fails to engage or motivate pupils. o TA fails to support behaviour in classroom leading to a disorderly classroom environment. o Procedures for supporting behaviour are not clear or are not used consistently or a significant group of pupils do not respond to them. o Pupils do not understand risk and may endanger themselves or others. o Unable to share good practice and may be unwilling to seek help for self-improvement. o There is a lack of evidence and self-awareness and little attempt to reflect and improve on TA standards o There is a reluctance to participate in the wider life of the school. o May not understand or uphold the principles and ethos of Focus Schools and /or DAQM and SDL or fully realise the importance of these. o May undermine plans for school improvement by not engaging as a team player.
TAs must be on a continuum for Standard –as part of MOE. This will ensure a quality of delivery for the role. Annual CPD training centrally /regionally or in campus. Support from line managers – LSCO, LS Trustees. Opportunities to share own knowledge and expertise. Annual appraisals by line manager / Deputy Headteacher. Links to Performance Management. What does it entail?
Issues discussed: Developing Excellence Together ( working effectively together) The role of the TA Recruitment and Retention Deployment in primary and secondary Performance Management Pre-lesson planning Measuring Impact Training Training for High Impact Deployment of TAs: Optimus Education, London
Job Description: continuously improve own practice /knowledge through self-evaluation and learning from others Learning to communicate with the teacher and students most effectively Improving own skills and knowledge ( English, Mathematics, Science, Classroom Management, SEND…) Pre-Planning with teacher to have clear understanding of LO and outcomes Scaffolding; pedagogical understanding Enabling Access to Learning – Inducing Independence TAs Ethical Duty to CPD
Annual TA Conferences at EP to align with Primary /Secondary days. Annual Regional TA training Seminars led by one regional LSCo. (TAs training other TAs. ) The purpose of these meetings is to raise the profile of all Focus TAs, to make them feel appreciated, to support them and to allow them to grow in the role. Enhancing Own Practice in TA Seminars
Further support for Campus