Samir BOUKHALFA AGENCE LOCALE DE L’ENERGIE DE L’AGGLOMERATION LYONNAISE RENAISSANCE LYON – Meeting in Milano 27-29/10/2008 WP Progress and Plans WP 1.3: Wood-fuel supply chains assessment and organisation
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 1 WP 1.3 State of progress year 3 : 12 last months 1)- Implementation study about wood-chips production from SRC Redaction of the final report SRC study Publication of the SRC study on the website (Hespul and RENAISSANCE) Presentation of the study (Chambre d'Agriculture du Rhône, Oct-08)
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 2 WP 1.3 State of progress year 3 : 12 last months 2)- Study about incorporating energy efficiency uses in sell agreement With a sub-contracting expert in the matter (lawyer) By hearing the three property developer Reseach of documentary Publication of the study on the website (ALE and RENAISSANCE) for nov-08
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 3 Analysis of progress WP 1.3 The application in the « rhône » will be difficult Because of the wood path organization 1)- Implementation study about wood-chips production from SRC Good receipt about partner like « chambre d’Agriculture » Drafting of an experimentation plan
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 4 Analysis of progress WP 1.3 Private law and how integrate energy efficiency uses 2)- Study about incorporating energy efficiency uses in sell agreement Confidential exchange with property developer Tools proposals : Charter of good practices Ownership documents
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 5 Plans for the next 18 months (beginning of year 4) WP 1.3 2)- Study about incorporating energy efficiency uses in sell agreement 1)- Implementation study about wood-chips production from SRC No work to do, the study is now completed Proposal in maintenance agreement Identify legal and technical missing in the matter
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 6 Conclusions Malorie CLERMONT Tel: +33 (0) Contact ENERTECH