Echinoderms – Spiny Skin Echinoderms movies
Echinoderms Are: Starfish Sea Lilies Feather Stars Basket Stars Sea Urchins Sea Cucumbers Sand Dollars
There are 5 characteristics: Radial Symmetry Spiny skin Internal skeleton Water vascular system Tube feet
The internal skeleton of an echinoderm is made of calcium carbonate bony plates that are bumpy or spiny for protection. An echinoderm’s water vascular system is a system of canals that carry food and oxygen and remove wastes. The water vasuclar system also helps an echinoderm move.
Echinoderms have tube feet used for moving and getting food. Tube feet movie 2 Tube feet movie
Reproduction Sexual Larva Stage Reproduction Movie
5 Class of Echinoderms Crinoidea- Sea Lillies Ophiuroidea- Brittle Stars Echinoidea- Sea Urchins and Sandollars Holothuroidea- Sea Cucumbers Asteriodea- Starfish
Crinoidea (kri-NOID-ee-uh) sea lilies and feather stars sessile and mobile 5 arms extend and branch tube feet filter feed and respire mouth faces up
Ophiuroidea (OH-fee-yoor-OID-ee-uh) long narrow, flexible arms – move quickly basket stars
Echinoidea (EK-uh-NOID-ee-uh) sea urchins and sand dollars endoskeleton called test sea urchins eat by scraping algae with jaw-like Aristotle lantern Sand Dollars live along seacoasts short spines used for locomotion sand dollars
Holothuroidea (HOH-loh-thuh-ROID-ee-uh) Sea Cucumbers– soft body Armless, they burrow Tube feet around mouth Sea cucumbers movie Sea Cucumber movie 2
Asteriodea (AS-tuh-ROID-ee-uh) sea stars 5 to many arms
A starfish is able to re-grow it’s arms. A starfish uses its tube feet to move and to open it’s food (bivalves).
Digestive Gland Reproductive Gland/Gonads
Starfish Eating Canals and Stomach
Water Vascular System
Kingdom of Animals Invertebrates Porifera – Sponges Flatworms – Turbellaria, Trematoda,,Cestoda Roundworms- Nematoda Rotifers Mollusks – Gastropoda, Bivalves, Cephalopods Annelida- Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, Hirudinea Cnidarians- Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Anthozoa Arthropods – Crustacians, Arachnids, Myriapods and Insects Echinoderms – Crinoidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea, Asteriodea.
Invertebrate Exam Be able to identify organisms by Phylum and Class/Order name. Know characteristics of organisms – reproduction, eating, body plan, special features, etc. Be able to identify structures off of dissections we have done.