ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Involves only one parent Offspring are genetically identical to the parent
Binary fission A single cell undergoes mitosis, which forms two identical daughter cells Cytoplasmic division is equal Bacteria Ameba paramecium
Binary Fission
Budding Mitosis is followed by unequal division of cytoplasm. Genetic material is identical. Yeast, coral and hydra
Sporulation Reproductive cells, known as spores, are released by the parent. Molds and mushrooms (Fungi)
Regeneration 1.Production of new organisms from parts of a parent organism 2.Regrowth of a body part Worms, starfish
Vegetative Propagation *Asexual reproduction in plants *Production of new plant organism from leaves, stems or roots of a parent plant * Genetically indentical to the parent
Cloning a plant or animal that is grown from one cell of its parent and that has exactly the same genes as its parent