How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Evaluation Question 4
Introduction Before we started filming our trailer I did various researches such as finding information about religions and movie genres, while also planning our filming days based on different types of new media technologies that I am going to talk about in this presentation.
Internet Mostly for this project I used internet which counts as one of the most useful tools for every area including media. I did some research on Islamic religion and the differences that It has from other religions which later helped me to build up a proper story for my trailer. Also my group and I used internet to find some good locations where we can film. Later we printed the location photographs and decided what angles are going to look good while we filming which I believe saved us a lot of time.
Internet I used websites such as because this is one of the best websites regarding finding some basic information about any types of movies (dates of the release or short movie description and full cast info) I have also used where I watched some short videos about editing or social realism short movies because I wanted to get more ideas for our own trailer. Here is an example of one of the videos that I have watched:
Internet Another website that I used in my research on social realism movies was: arch?articleid=7&keyword=s ocial+realism+movies&conti nue=+&searchmethod=ANY arch?articleid=7&keyword=s ocial+realism+movies&conti nue=+&searchmethod=ANY Where I learned information such as cultural impact presentation which later helped me to understand social realism movies better (in more details).
Internet I had a chance to find some good social networking websites where people share their opinion about social realism movies. On this website people also talk about British cinema and what do people like the most today (what do they prefer to watch) m/category/british-cinema/
Internet One of the very useful internet tools that helped me come up with my final work is media blog. This helped me to follow people in my group all the time, I could check what they have done for our trailer (including their research) and also what needed to be done in the future. I also used media blog to get examples for my coursework from the people who have done it last year.
Presentation Before we started planning our trailer everyone had to do research on both post apocalyptic and social realism genre movies so we get an idea about the primary requirements in such movies and decide what trailer do we want to make for our own piece. I have used powerpoint to present my work because I believe it is a professional yet convenient software to use to display various types of information Also, for my evaluation question 1and 2 I have used internet program called “prezzi” because I wanted to make my evaluation look more exciting and show that I have an ability to use different types of presentation tools.
Production (Digital Camera) Since I am studying media for 3 years now, I have learnt the basic techniques to use a digital camera for filming. I already had lots of useful angles in mind to use for our trailer, especially the ones that are ideal for showing emotions, and also I know how to change settings such as white balance etc. Using digital camera helped us to achieve high quality footage which later we could work with easily because the recordings could be transferred easily to our computers. Since the camera was quite small it was easy to handle it (film tracking shots, zooming in or out)
Production (Adobe Premier) To edit our trailer we used program called Adobe Premier which helped us to come up with a good and interesting trailer. We decided to use tools such as extra music effects and fade in or out effects which helped to make a bigger impact on our trailer.
Production (Titles) To find suitable titles for our trailer I used internet websites such as and I have downloaded some fonts because I wanted to show them to my group and make a final decision. Finally we decided to use an Arabic style font from “dafont” website which I believe goes well with our story which is about a Muslim girl and her life. I have also used the same font for our film poster.
Production (Adobe Photoshop) I used Photoshop to create a magazine cover for our trailer and film poster. Before I started working in Photoshop I asked my teacher to give me some templates which included “Little White Lies” magazine cover and “Credits” for film poster.
Production (Photoshop Magazine Cover) To make a customized magazine cover I had to download my preferred templates to Photoshop. We decided to use “Little White Lies” cover because it was most suitable for our target audience since the picture looked liked someone had drawn it and there were not any extra selling points that usually don’t interest young people.
Production (Photoshop Film Poster) For a film poser I have decided to make something simple since our movie is social realism and when I was researching on similar genre posters I realised that they all look quite simple just with a few credits at the bottom of the photo and a few selling points on the sides. The movie poster for “Fish Tank” gave me the main idea for our movie. And this is what I have came up with at the end: