WP4: Transnational MSP Governance – dialogue and institutional building Overall aim: to engage national bodies, sectors and researchers in dialogue on pan-Baltic level Main activities: Transnational stakeholder involvement methodology; Transnational stakeholders workshops; –To identify sectoral priorities, objectives, expectations, topics for discussions at cross-sectoral workshops Cross-Sectoral workshops: –Horizontal interaction between the sectors to identify synergies & conflicts and develop priorities & solutions for future MSP and related governance processes. Guidance documents on transnational institutional structure & governance models Transnational Final Conference Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
WP4: Stakeholder consultation Transnational organisations GERPOLLIT LATSWEEST FINRUS DENNOR National competent authorities/ organisations, NGOs Regional / local authorities/organisations, NGOs Transnationala/ crossectoral dialogue Multi-level dialogue Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
WP4: Stakeholder involvement methodology Stakeholder identification: 1.Excel data base to be developed and prefilled by BEF; 2.National contacts provided by partners Workshop preparation (BEF & relevant partners): 1.Exact timing of the workshops 2.Specification of discussion topics, expected outcomes, agenda development 3.Invitation of stakeholders ( s/official letters), registration 4.Defining of appropriate moderation techniques for discussion –Topical working groups/ “world café” method –Brainstorming, –prioritisation of issues/conflicts –etc. Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
WP4: Time planning by Milestones 1st MS2nd MS3rd MS4th MS Preparation: methodology, stakeholder mapping, timing Sector specific stakeholder workshops & analysis of results Report on BSR pan-Baltic sector views Cross-sectoral workshops & analysis of results Concept on transnational MSP institutional & governance model Recommendations on transnational MSP Handbook on MSP Consultation process Agreement and final publication of project results Transnational Final conference (back-to- back with VASAB Ministerial Conference) Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
WP4: Milestones and mine outputs MonthsMilestones and mine outputs by whom 1-6 Stakeholder Methodology developedAll/PP4 coord. Stakeholders identifiedAll/PP4 coord. Scope / timing of individual stakeholder workshops definedAll/PP4 coord. Sector specific stakeholder workshops: Research (Klaipeda) Data (Hamburg) PP6 PP Sector specific stakeholder workshops: Climate Change (Skane), Shipping (Gdynia) Energy (Hamburg) New Uses (Gdansk) Environment (Riga) PP7 PP2/7 PP9 PP1 PP5 Analysis of results as input for cross-sectoral workshopsAll/PP4 coord Sector specific stakeholder workshops: Cultural Heritage (Riga) PP4 Analysis of results as input for cross-sectoral workshopsAll/PP4 coord. Preparation of report on BSR pan-Baltic sector views & targetsPP3/All Cross-sectoral workshops: Research/Sea; wind energy/aquaculture; PP6/1/4/9 PP1/4/9 Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
WP4: Milestones and mine outputs MonthsMilestones and mine outputsBy whom Last set of cross-sectoral workshops: Shipping/energy/fishseries PP2/4/6/7 Analysis of cross-sectoral workshops and presentation of spatial planning tools and recommendations for future MSP implementation All/PP4 coord Concept on transnational MSP institutional & governance modelPP3/All Recommendation on transnational MSPsPP3/All Handbook on MSP Consultation processesPP3/All Agreement and final publication of all PartiSEApate Results (Analysis of sector views, cross-sector instruments, Handbook, Policy Document, Recommendations, Compendium) with MSP Planners Group / Model Case experience / Stakeholder – Cross-sectoral workshop results integrated ??? PartiSEApate Transnational Final Conference (back-to-back with VASAB Ministerial Conference / Tallinn, Sept 14) All Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
WP4: Transnational stakeholders workshops 1.Pan-Baltic Spatial Shipping/Ports development Strategies: –Designation of intelligent corridors, traffic separation schemes, port development and high risk areas, environmental concerns, Pan-Baltic spatial shipping strategy 2.Offshore Wind energy: –Pan-Baltic offshore wind parks strategy, Pan-Baltic infrastructure (Super-GRID), integration of land-sea-based grid infrastructure, buffer zones, combined uses 3.Cultural Heritage/Tourism: –Co-operation in research; potentials/limitations for tourism, existing and potential threats 4.Aquaculture/New uses –Spatial planning implications of new uses, space need, specific locations, conflicts & synergies with other uses Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
WP4: Transnational stakeholders workshops 5.Research (BONUS/FP7/national research projects) –Current research topics, spatial dimension of research, role of scientists in MSP, etc. 6.Environment/nature Protection (environmental NGOs & national bodies) –Current knowledge on environmental factors crucial in MSP; spatial applicable environmental and nature conservation measures; how to ensure ecological connectivity of marine habitats and species through MSP; boundaries of sustainability of human activities to ensure resilience of marine ecosystem 7.Climate Change: –Implications of climate change on MSP: considerations to be taken into account in planning process, uses to be affected 8.Data Network Building: –To bring together INSPIRE contact points and data providers to explore possible process for making data networks compatible. Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)
WP4: Cross-sectoral dialogues 1.Wind Energy/Aquaculture: –Possibilities to encourage spatial efficiency of the sea use and related technical and economical feasibility, environmental implications, developments, communication between too sectors 2.Research/SEA: –To identify possible solutions to questions raised in current SEAs and steps to be undertaken in SEAs to come. 3.Shipping/Energy/Fisheries: –To identify proper spatial planning solutions (e.g. buffer zones, rearrangement of shipping routes, compensations) Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)