EU Funding Possibilities for Regional Development in Ukraine Dr. Péter Szegvári Professor of Budapest University of ELTE International Curricula Development.


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Presentation transcript:

EU Funding Possibilities for Regional Development in Ukraine Dr. Péter Szegvári Professor of Budapest University of ELTE International Curricula Development Expert of RGD

Contents of the Presentation What were the lessons we learned in CEE countries? What are pillars of sustainable territorial development in EU? Which is the EU background for the planned activities of RGD Project? What kind of EU funding possibilities could help regional economic development in Ukraine? How could be used the EU funding for the main objectives of RGD Project?

Lessons learned from CEE experience -I. Transition from ‘State-led Growth’ to ‘Market-led Growth’ requires an effective and efficient Regional Policy The following of the principles and requirements of European Regional Policy could be a ‘driving force’ for domestic regional policy The Regional Policy would be more successful if implemented coherently with the Public Administrative Reform process aimed at decentralizing Regional Governance

Lessons learned from CEE experience -II. The effective and efficient Regional Policy needs a complex regulatory support, based on the principles of European Regional Policy The Regional Policy requires effective and efficient system of management at national and regional levels. The Regional Policy needs financial supports, regarding the special tools, financial coordination and fiscal decentralization.

The pillars of European Spatial Planning Policy - ESDP

An EU background for the planned activities of RGD Project Main purposes of Eastern Partnership Program (EaP): –Support for partner country reforms through the implementation of Comprehensive Institutional Building (CIB) programmes –Support pilot regional development programmes aimed at addressing regional economic and social disparities within partner countries –Implementation of the EaP Multilateral dimension Statement of Regional Policy Commissioner of EU regarding Ukraine 16/07/2010 “Regional policy is becoming an increasing priority in our cooperation with Ukraine, and I believe our dialogue on regional policy can be an important factor to help Ukraine boost its economic potential.” Opinion of COR on EU-Ukraine Relationship 02/12/2010 “ Recalls the need to add a “territorial” approach to the Eastern Partnership…”

EU funding support to Ukraine I EU sources to Ukraine from European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) –ENPI for Ukraine EUR 494 million –Indicative Financial Envelope EUR million Good governance and the Rule of Law / % Facilitation of Association Agenda / % Sustainable Development / % Included Earmarked sources: EURO million for CIB EURO 3.79 million for Cohesion Policy

EU funding support to Ukraine II. EU funding from ENPI Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) Programmes EUR million Included territorial cooperation: - Black Sea Basin - Romania/Ukraine/Moldova - Hungary/Slovakia/Romania/Ukraine - Poland/Belarus/Ukraine

EU funding support to Ukraine III. European Comission special financial support for sustainable development Technical Assistance (TA) and support to infrastructure EUR 15 million Support the capacities of national, regional, local authorities to implement regional policy EUR 10 million

How could be used the EU funding for the main objectives of RGD Project? EU funding is a cross-sectoral issue in the TOT Program Practical projects for absorption capacity building –Projects could be used for training, project implementation in the regional programs –Preparation for pipelines of additional sources Sustainability and follow up –Ownership –Partnership

Thank you four your kind attention! Dr. Péter Szegvári Professor of Budapest University of ELTE International Curricula Development Expert of RGD