Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday Have out your novel (fictional text) to read Quietly read for approx. 10 minutes Remember… no electronics out/on during reading time you are receiving credit for being on time, ready to read with your choice, independent reading novel, and actively reading during the given time. If you do not have your book with you, must read something else. If you finish reading a book, let me know. You’ll need to fill out a ½ sheet review and post it in the room! Homework: Read you choice novel!
Past, Present, Future Monday Final Lens & Final Story! Psychological “The Cask of Amontillado” Panel Debate – What’s your diagnosis and why? Summative Fishbowl Discussion Read, annotate, and respond Discuss Wed/Thurs
Short Stories Through a Critical Lens Monday 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: you will be able to analyze the character Montresor through a psychoanalytical lens. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Activity: You Do Monday Purpose: to show what you know about the short story “The Cask of Amontillado” by debating the main character’s “diagnosis” Tasks: Move into a 4-corner group based on your diagnosis (if we have a large group with the same diagnosis we’ll split it into 2 or whatever is needed) Everyone should share Be prepared to share 3 symptoms and evidence from the story for each If you have more than 3 people in your group, consider sharing more symptoms + textual evidence OR 1.Character background 2.Description of the problem 3.3 Symptoms + Evidence 4.Outcome Outcome: Which group had the best support for their diagnosis? Why?
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Tuesday Have out your novel (fictional text) to read Quietly read for approx. 10 minutes Remember… no electronics out/on during reading time you are receiving credit for being on time, ready to read with your choice, independent reading novel, and actively reading during the given time. If you do not have your book with you, must read something else. If you finish reading a book, let me know. You’ll need to fill out a ½ sheet review and post it in the room! Homework: PREPARE FOR YOUR SUMMATIVE FISHBOWL DISCUSSION Keep in mind, you need to be here for both discussions in order to receive both grades!
Past, Present, Future Tuesday Final Lens & Final Story! Panel Debate – What’s your diagnosis and why? Summative Fishbowl Discussion Preparation! Read, annotate, and respond Discuss Wed/Thurs Summative Fishbowl Discussion Wed/Thurs – Be here for both!
Returns and make-ups Who needs to report out on your Montresor diagnosis?
Short Stories Through a Critical Lens Tuesday 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: you will be able to analyze your assigned story through various lenses. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Activity: Apply Tuesday Purpose: Tasks: 1.Draw a poker chip Green: “Harrison Bergeron” Red: “A Rose for Emily” 2.Quietly read your story 3.Annotate the text as you read keeping in mind the various lenses from which you should read the story Archetypal Historical/Biographical (you’ll need to do some research) Feminist Marxist Psychoanalytical 4.Have out your Literary Tool Kit notes for each lens above 5.Re-read the story from each lens, using the Essential Questions to guide your reading 6.For each lens on the note sheet, write responses to at least 3 different essential questions for each lens Outcome: Bring your copy of your story and your completed notes sheet to help you participate in the Summative Fishbowl Discussions on Wednesday and Thursday
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Wednesday Have out your novel (fictional text) to read Quietly read for approx. 5 minutes OR If you rather work on preparing for your fishbowl, spend this time doing reading & taking notes. Remember… no electronics out/on during reading time you are receiving credit for being on time, ready to read with your choice, independent reading novel, and actively reading during the given time. If you do not have your book with you, must read something else. If you finish reading a book, let me know. You’ll need to fill out a ½ sheet review and post it in the room! Homework: Read you choice novel!
Activity Wednesday Re-read through the Fishbowl Observation form I’m handing you, so you know what to do during discussions today & tomorrow. You also were given the grading rubric, so you can review this, too. Be prepared to be assigned a partner and to move into a fishbowl. While you wait, consider… What Is the Difference Between Just Talking & True Dialogue? What keeps you engaged during a discussion? What makes for an interesting and enlightening discussion? When is it a good idea to only listen (and not speak)? Why is this beneficial skill to practice? Why is it important that everyone contributes ideas in a large group discussion? How do we engage those that may be reticent about participating?
Past, Present, Future Wednesday Summative Fishbowl Discussion Preparation! Read, annotate, and respond Summative Assessment #1 – Fishbowl Discussion = Discuss with your peers how this story can be viewed through the 5 lenses HAVE OUT THE STORY, YOUR NOTES AND ANY OTHER LENS HANDOUTS YOU WANT Summative Assessment #2 – Fishbowl Discussion = Discuss with your peers how this story can be viewed through the 5 lenses Turn in notes & observation form
Short Stories Through a Critical Lens Wednesday Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods and audience awareness 2. Effective collaborative groups accomplish goals 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: to show what you know about your assigned short story through an oral analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Activity: Develop & Apply We Do – You Do Wednesday Purpose: Objective: to show what you know about your assigned short story through an oral analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Tasks: minute discussion = 2 Grades 1.Observer – use the Observation Form to document your active listening skills 2.Speaker – participate in the conversation by sharing your analysis (with supporting evidence) to of your story through the various lenses (see next slide), complete & turn in reading notes REFER TO THE TEXT WHEN RESPONDING REFER TO THE LENSES WHEN ANALYZING “When viewed through a _____ lens, the reader sees …..” Outcome: Plus/Delta Flip-flop roles tomorrow & turn in the completed Observation Form at the end of the discussions
To score well in the discussion, you must… Orally participate! Ask questions (?) Share originally ideas (!) Refer to specific text passages (Txt) Make connections between text (Conn) Specifically refer to critical lenses (CL) Make larger connections outside text (Th) Objective: to show what you know about your assigned short story through an oral analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical.
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Thursday Have out your novel (fictional text) to read Quietly read for approx. 10 minutes Remember… no electronics out/on during reading time you are receiving credit for being on time, ready to read with your choice, independent reading novel, and actively reading during the given time. If you do not have your book with you, must read something else. If you finish reading a book, let me know. You’ll need to fill out a ½ sheet review and post it in the room! Homework: Read you choice novel!
Past, Present, Future Thursday Summative Assessment #1 – Fishbowl Discussion = Discuss with your peers how this story can be viewed through the 5 lenses Summative Assessment #2 – Fishbowl Discussion = Discuss with your peers how this story can be viewed through the 5 lenses Turn in notes & observation form Make-up next Friday at lunch Reading & Extension Activity
Short Stories Through a Critical Lens Thursday Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods and audience awareness 2. Effective collaborative groups accomplish goals 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: to show what you know about your assigned short story through an oral analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Relevance: By interpreting complex texts, providing evidence, and communicating ideas, we are not only practicing the skills need in any workplace or postsecondary setting, but also we are examining aspects of ourselves and others and how these as well as social and historical events impact the way in which we communicate. By learning to examine situations from different perspectives, we open ourselves to recognizing, understanding, explaining, and judging the ways in which we, as well as others, conduct ourselves, in order to more productively function in an every changing world. Inquiry Questions: What is critical theory? How does one’s perspective influence the reading of a text? How does reading from a particular perspective influence what is seen as important within a text and how characters, events, and theme are understood? What strategies are most useful when reading, understanding, making personal connections to, and analyzing texts ? How is literature a voice of social commentary?
Activity: Apply We Do - You Do Thursday Have out your Observation Form from yesterday. If you were absent, grab one off the front table and be prepared to be assigned a partner. If your partner from yesterday is not here today, be prepared to let me know. Purpose: to show what you know about your assigned short story through an oral analysis of it through the 5 lenses: archetypal, historical/biographical, feminist, Marxist, and psychoanalytical. Tasks: minute discussion 1.Observer – use the Observation Form to document your active listening skills 2.Speaker – participate in the conversation by sharing your analysis (with supporting evidence) to of your story through the various lenses REFER TO THE TEXT WHEN RESPONDING REFER TO THE LENSES WHEN ANALYZING “When viewed through a _____ lens, the reader sees …..” Outcome: Plus/Delta Turn in the completed Observation Form at the end of the discussions ALSO, ANY CASE STUDY MAKE-UP?!
Friday Read Extension Activity (due Tuesday at midnight) Micro-theme Guidelines 5 paragraphs, typed, turned into Turnitin.com by Tuesday P#1 – 2 sentence intro with closed thesis (3 lenses you’ll use) P#2 – Point, illustration, explanation of 1 st lens P#3 – Point, illustration, explanation of 2 nd lens P#4 – Point, illustration, explanation of 3 rd lens P#5 – 2 sentence conclusion (reiterate 3 lenses, explain larger theme/purpose/significance) Homecoming Assembly – PM – EARP’s