Using Wikis in Education An introduction to the use of wikis as a collaborative content development tool for learning.
Focus Areas About Web 2.0 technologies What is a Wiki? How wikis are used in education Introduction to Wikispaces
What is Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is a term describing the trend in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, and, most notably, collaboration among users.
Web 2.0 Technologies These tools include, but are by no means limited to: , blogs, social networking applications, social networking tools, and wikis.
Collaboration using
What is a wiki? A wiki is a webpage or collection of webpages that can be edited collaboratively by anyone with access. Wikis are used by groups to quickly edit shared text, including links, images and other data. The most famous wiki is the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Collaboration using wikis Wiki Space created by member 1 Member 1 edits wiki space and saves edits Member 2 reads member 1 edits then edits wiki space and saves edits Member 3 reads member 1 and 2 edits then edits wiki space and saves edits
Sites for creating free wikis – Used by education – – Private wiki – Private wiki – Private wiki – Private wiki – Private wiki
Duffy and Bruns (2006) list several possible educational uses of wikis: Students can use a wiki to: ▫develop research projects, with the wiki serving as ongoing documentation of their work. ▫add summaries of their thoughts from the prescribed readings, building a collaborative annotated bibliography on a wiki. ▫view resources like syllabi and handouts, and students can edit and comment on these directly for all to see.
Duffy and Bruns (2006) list several possible educational uses of wikis: Teachers can use wikis as a knowledge base, enabling them to share reflections and thoughts regarding teaching practices, and allowing for versioning and documentation. to map concepts. They are useful for brainstorming, and editing a given wiki topic can produce a linked network of resources. a presentation tool in place of conventional software, and students are able to directly comment on and revise the presentation content.